History and Humanities News

Political Automation: Alumnus Eduardo Albrecht Publishes New Book on AI

Political Automation: Alumnus Eduardo Albrecht Publishes New Book on AI

Alumnus Eduardo Albrecht has recently published the book titled "Political Automation: An Introduction to AI in Government and Its Impact on Citizens" (Oxford University Press, 2025), which investigates the increasing governmental use of AI and the changing role of citizens.

Beyond the Great Wall with China Historian John Delury

Beyond the Great Wall with China Historian John Delury

A historian of modern China and expert on East Asia, Visiting Professor John Delury focuses on US-China relations and the Korean peninsula.

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner to Deliver Keynote at Symposium on Human Enhancement Technologies in Kyoto, Japan

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner to Deliver Keynote at Symposium on Human Enhancement Technologies in Kyoto, Japan

JCU Philosophy Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner will be participating in the Kyoto University E3LSI Symposium on March 7, 2025.

Professor Sorgner to Speak at International Conference on Transhumanism and Religion at University of Innsbruck

Professor Sorgner to Speak at International Conference on Transhumanism and Religion at University of Innsbruck

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner was invited to deliver the opening keynote of the international conference titled “Sacred Cyborgs: Exploring the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, and Religion," at the University of Innsbruck.

Uncovering the Past and Shaping the Future with Professor Emily Hurt

Uncovering the Past and Shaping the Future with Professor Emily Hurt

Professor Emily Hurt is a scholar of Classical Studies with a passion for ancient Mediterranean exploration. Originally from Rhode Island, she moved to Italy in 2019, where she discovered John Cabot University and joined the faculty as a full-time Classical Studies professor.

Professor Sorgner to Speak at “Romanae Disputationes” Lecture

Professor Sorgner to Speak at “Romanae Disputationes” Lecture

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner will hold a lecture (in Italian) titled “The Crisis of Values in Postmodernity.” The event will be part of the XII edition of Romanae Disputationes, a series of philosophical discussions exploring this year’s theme, “What Are Values? The Genesis and Experience of What Matters.”

Professor Stefan Sorgner Featured in New Critical Introduction to Transhumanism

Professor Stefan Sorgner Featured in New Critical Introduction to Transhumanism

A new critical introduction to transhumanism, El futuro de la identidad humana a debate: Protagonistas de la polémica sobre el transhumanismo, has been published in Spain by Tecnos (2024).

Do What Scares You: Meet Humanistic Studies Major Allison Pomeroy

Do What Scares You: Meet Humanistic Studies Major Allison Pomeroy

Allison is a Humanistic Studies major and Classical Studies and Philosophy minor from San Jose, California.

It’s a Kind of (Movie) Magic: Meet Double Major Student Max Nokes

It’s a Kind of (Movie) Magic: Meet Double Major Student Max Nokes

Max grew up between Seattle, Washington and New Jersey and he’s pursuing a double major in Communications and History. He is the Film Appreciation Club Vice president, Student Government social media manager, and Communications department representative.

Doors Open Wide: Meet History Major Jacob Madsen

Doors Open Wide: Meet History Major Jacob Madsen

Jacob Madsen is a History major and Art History minor at JCU. He is the Vice President of the History & Humanities Society, and part of the Performing Arts Company.

12th JCU Posthuman Studies Workshop Reflects on Ethics of Cyborgs and Robots

12th JCU Posthuman Studies Workshop Reflects on Ethics of Cyborgs and Robots

JCU hosted the 12th JCU Posthuman Studies Workshop “Ethics of Cyborgs, Robots, and the Posthuman: Reflections from Ancient Greece and Rome to the Present Day."

Meet History Major Nicolette Balazs

Meet History Major Nicolette Balazs

Meet Nicolette Balazs, History and Communications student, Vice President of STAND, History and Humanities department representative, and assistant at the Athletics Office at JCU.

“Work: Profit or Person?”: John Cabot University Welcomes Father Cassian Folsom for a Lecture on Monastic Tradition 

“Work: Profit or Person?”: John Cabot University Welcomes Father Cassian Folsom for a Lecture on Monastic Tradition 

Father Cassian Folsom, founder of the Abbey of St. Benedict on the Mountain (Norcia, Umbria) gave a talk titled “Work: profit or person? Insights from the Monastic Tradition.”

Meet Transfer Alumna Malkie Dyman

Meet Transfer Alumna Malkie Dyman

Malkie Dyman graduated from JCU in 2022 with a B.A. in Political Science, and a Minor in Humanistic Studies. She completed her Master’s in Fashion Management and Luxury Business at Rome Business School and spent a year studying at Mayanot Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem.

Using the Past for the Present International Conference to be held at JCU on March 28-29

Using the Past for the Present International Conference to be held at JCU on March 28-29

The international conference Using the Past for the Present: Medieval Narratives in Modern Political and Religious Discourse will be held in Rome on March 28-29, 2025, at Jonh Cabot University, Guarini Campus.

“Rome in the Renaissance” International Conference held at JCU on April 5-6

“Rome in the Renaissance” International Conference held at JCU on April 5-6

On April 5 and 6, John Cabot University hosted the international conference "Rome in the Renaissance: Global Projections on Religious Identities and Dissent."

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner Invited to Give Stanislaw Kaminski Memorial Lectures

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner Invited to Give Stanislaw Kaminski Memorial Lectures

JCU Philosophy Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner was recently invited to give the Stanislaw Kaminski Memorial Lectures at The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, in Poland.

Find What Brings You Joy: Alumnus Nicholas Ciniglio

Find What Brings You Joy: Alumnus Nicholas Ciniglio

Originally from Rhode Island, alumnus Nicholas Ciniglio is currently working as Residence Director (RD) at JCU.

History Professor Fabrizio Conti Interviewed by Identity Style Magazine

History Professor Fabrizio Conti Interviewed by Identity Style Magazine

JCU History Professor Fabrizio Conti was recently interviewed by Identity Style, a Milan-based fashion and lifestyle magazine.

Professor Vanda Wilcox Appointed Co-Editor of First World War Studies Journal

Professor Vanda Wilcox Appointed Co-Editor of First World War Studies Journal

JCU is pleased to announce that history professor Vanda Wilcox has been appointed as co-editor of First World War Studies, the only scholarly journal dedicated to WWI, published by Taylor & Francis.