JCU Welcomes Cathy Fussell for Italy Reads Keynote Address
February 1, 2012
On Wednesday, October 5th, John Cabot University welcomed Professor Cathy Fussell who delivered the Keynote Address for Italy Reads 2011.
February 1, 2012
On Wednesday, October 5th, John Cabot University welcomed Professor Cathy Fussell who delivered the Keynote Address for Italy Reads 2011.
January 31, 2012
12 Days (and Nights) of Finals in the Frohring Library
January 13, 2012
Prof. Argentieri Interviewed on Hungarian Political Situation
September 19, 2011
JCU Professor Alessandro Antonelli Interviewed by Al Jazeera
September 1, 2011
JCU Career Services continues its growth, with over 150 competitive internship opportunities offered every semester. These opportunities include international firms and organizations.