From JCU to KPMG: Read Claudio Di Benedetto's Story

Claudio Di Benedetto

Claudio Di Benedetto

Hi, I’m Claudio Di Benedetto. I was born in Naples, Italy but I grew up in Ohio.

I am a Business Administration major with a concentration in Finance. I wanted to stay in Italy and I found my little piece of America in Rome at John Cabot. JCU opened me up to a great network of personal friendships and work relationships.

John Cabot University gave me the confidence and drive to succeed. While studying here, you feel part of a niche community, which at the end of the day becomes like a big family that is willing to share with you. The professors I had while studying here were professionals in their own fields, and are high ranking academics; they made their lectures feel like work experience sessions that shed light on the real world.

I am currently interning with KPMG Advisory Italy in Rome, and am consulting for the enterprise solutions business unit. I learned about this position through the JCU Career Services Center, which contacted me about this opportunity. My business professors helped me perfect my resume and assisted me with the interview process. I would like to thank the John Cabot institution as a whole, with a special thank you to Dean Mary Merva, Professor Silvia Pulino, and Professor Antonella Salvatore, head of the Career Services Center.

I would definitely recommend John Cabot to all young adults, especially to those who are having difficulty finding their direction. John Cabot opens its doors and welcomes you in its community. The time you spend here helps you connect with your personality and realize your dreams. Of course, a lot of hard work and dedication is needed too, as there is no such thing as a free lunch in life!

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