Meet Alumna Silvia Dalla Torre, Class of 2012

Silvia Dalla Torre

Silvia Dalla Torre

My name is Silvia and I am 22 years old. I am writing from Zurich, Switzerland, where I moved right after graduating from John Cabot last year with a major in Business Administration. Two days ago I signed my first full-time work contract here in Zurich with UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), the best known Swiss bank. I am very excited!

I have been hired to work as a Customer Relationship Manager on a global team. I will be mostly responsible for relations with UBS clients in Singapore and Hong Kong. Besides working with high-profile clients, I will also be managing investments and improving our service through an online platform.

My wonderful work experience in Zurich, a city I didn’t know until a year ago and that I have learned to love, started a few months after finishing at John Cabot. Thanks to the University’s Career

Fair (the event which brings together companies and students and helps students find jobs), I received a first job offer from Ernst & Young in Zurich. When I began working I also started taking German language courses in order to become more competitive and marketable. And then my dream came true: a job with UBS, the first step towards an international career in banking.

Truth be told, I have been preparing for a job in this field for a while: in my senior year at John Cabot, in fact, I focused on Financial Management and International Business.

But my real preparation for a career in international banking started on my first day as a John Cabot student. The University’s intellectual and cultural diversity, provided by students and professors from all over the world, is something that enriched me personally and professionally. What I learned by working on teams with international students at John Cabot helped me be totally at ease when I started working in an international setting and helped me avoid making big mistakes in the real world. The other advantage John Cabot gave me was the ability to develop interesting ideas and projects and to communicate them effectively, not only through Powerpoint presentations, but also thanks to persuasive delivery techniques. In this way I learned to analyze and discuss financial projects while I was still in school before I had to do it in the workplace. Finally, I have to thank John Cabot because when I have a doubt or a question my professors are always available, and this provides a network of support that adds to my self-confidence as a young professional.

Learn more about the Department of Business Administration at John Cabot University.