JCU Alumni Accepted to Prestigious Master's Programs

Lorenzo Marcellino

Lorenzo Marcellino

Lorenzo Marcellino

As my time at JCU is quickly coming to a close (I graduate in May 2013 in International Affairs) I am looking forward to the new phase of my life: in the fall I will begin a Master’s in Global Affairs and Transnational Security at New York University. I can’t wait! I have also passed the first round of the United States Foreign Service Exam and hope to be selected for the final selection in the coming fall.

At JCU I made the most of all of the opportunities the University provides: from gaining an academic scholarship covering 50% of my tuition and fees to obtaining two fantastic internships – one at the U.S. Embassy in Rome and the other at the Israeli Embassy to the Holy See. I was also able to pay my rent by working in different JCU offices thanks to the Work-Study program.

From day one I understood that JCU is a unique place if for one reason: the professors. The professors make themselves available and go far beyond their academic duties. I received amazing support that was helpful in making big life decisions, pushing myself beyond my comfort zone, and reaching my potential. My professors were there in practical ways: to guide me through the preparation for my NYU application and for my Foreign Service exam. They were also just there to talk.

Two words sum up JCU: multiculturalism and internationalism. Feeling at home in such a diverse community is a tribute to JCU, its professors, and students. As I get ready to leave, I will always cherish the friendships and contacts I have made here.

Marianna Occhiuto

Marianna Occhiuto

Marianna Occhiuto

Some experiences change your life. John Cabot has been a watershed in my life and is still influencing it in amazing ways.

How has JCU changed me? It taught me that there is no greater mistake than not trying; one must persevere. I learned the meaning of meritocracy (I was awarded a 50% scholarship), the value of hard work, and I learned how great professors can make a difference not only for your academics, but also for your life.

Meritocracy and perseverance also helped me achieve my post graduate dream: I have been accepted at Bocconi University’s Master’s in Management of Social, Non-Profit and Cooperative Organizations. This program reinforces the values and beliefs I learned at JCU.

I have always been fascinated by the countless opportunities for growth that arise every time we challenge ourselves and interact with what is new and different. Openness to diversity has been a constant theme in my life and has driven my choices. No wonder I chose JCU and came to love it!

At 23, I am what I am thanks to JCU.