JCU Students Showcase Talents in Spring 2013 Art Show!

Spring 2013 Art ShowWhether it’s painting, drawing, photography or video art, the talent shown by John Cabot University students is certainly impressive.

An excellent turnout of students, faculty, staff, and friends gathered on April 24th at the Largo dei Fiorentini Art Studio for an exhibit that truly reflects the core of the John Cabot experience. This celebration of student art work, which has been held every semester since 1999, is a way for students to share their work with each other and with the JCU community.

The Studio Art Program, offering digital and film photography, video art, graphic design, drawing, fresco painting, and oil painting, includes both the latest technologies and more traditional techniques of art-making, and encourages collaboration between them.

Video Art was offered for the first time at JCU this Spring and Professor Serafino Amato, who taught the course, was very pleased with the results: “Video art is a way of putting together many different art forms and it was inspiring to see how students increased their awareness of the artistic possibilities offered by new technologies.”

“I am very impressed with my students this term,” said graphic design professor Sabrina Schmidt. Her students actually got a chance to design logos and brochures for University constituents including the Institute for Entrepreneurship and the Alberese Archaeological Project.

Chair of the Department of Art History and Studio Art Professor Peter Flaccus was particularly pleased with the results especially considering that many of the students had never taken an art class before.

“Students are able to take a variety of art classes here at John Cabot, even if they are complete beginners,” explained Professor Flaccus, who teaches painting and drawing. “Taking a course like Drawing or Photography while in Rome develops students’ creativity while providing them with another perspective from which to see and appreciate the city.”

Learn more about Studio Art at John Cabot University in Rome.

Apply now to earn your degree or study abroad in Rome at John Cabot.

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