Student Testimonial: Lorenza Guerri

Lorenza Guerri

Lorenza Guerri

Hello! My name is Lorenza and I am about to start my senior year at John Cabot University to complete my Bachelor of Arts degree in Marketing.

I have just come back from a semester abroad at San Diego State University in California, which has been the best experience of my life. My study abroad experience has enriched me personally, broadened my horizons, and given me a different view of the world and of my future.

From an academic point of view, I had the chance to take very interesting and challenging classes, such as Internet Marketing, where I learned about Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Optimization, and applied what I learned in the classroom to real business situations with local San Diego companies. In addition, my Integrated Marketing Communications class gave me the opportunity to meet managers from Target and Qualcomm Marketing, and to learn about important companies such as Geico, Under Armour, Google, and Zappos. As I began discovering businesses in the area, I was amazed to come across young Italians who have created start-ups in California and who shared their passion and success stories with me.

From a personal point of view, I met people from all over the world and created very strong friendships. I was also able to study and practice Spanish; since San Diego is next to the Mexican border, Spanish is even more spoken than English!

I am very grateful to John Cabot University for giving me the possibility of studying abroad in San Diego, for two reasons. First of all, thanks to JCU’s Direct Exchange Program, I transferred my JCU scholarship, which pays for 50% of tuition, to San Diego. Without this, I would have never been able to live my “American dream” because of the very expensive tuition of American universities.

I am also indebted to JCU because it prepared me academically to study at an American university. In fact, JCU gave me all the tools I needed: it taught me how to write well in English (in my American Literature class at San Diego, the professor complimented me on my English writing and told me I wrote better than some of the American students in the class!), how to think critically, and how to accept and enjoy diversity thanks to the international environment that characterizes John Cabot University.

Learn more about Study Abroad for JCU Degree-Seeking Students!