John Cabot University's Tiber Cafe Celebrates Third Anniversary

The Tiber Cafe Staff

The Tiber Cafe Staff

For Tiber Cafe’s third birthday, Iva Dragolova, Tiber Cafe’s General Manager wanted to do something special for JCU students and faculty. Iva created a contest in which every transaction made with a JCU ID card was entered in a raffle. Some of the prizes were t-shirts, hats, cooking classes, umbrellas and meal points.

Iva said that with improvement of service and food, the whole soul of the Tiber Cafe has changed. “Before, there was not as much contact and interaction between people. We changed the way of doing things and also the way of thinking,” said Iva.

Mitko Garko, a junior business and entrepreneurship major from Bulgaria, completely agrees. He told us, “The food gets better and better every semester.”

For Valentina Di Blasi, Orientation Coordinator, the Tiber Cafe is much more than just a cafeteria. The Tiber Cafe hosts aperitivos, Student Services activities and even the President’s Welcome Speech. “It’s not just a place where people come to eat, but where people come to socialize,” she said.

Roberto Sciarra, an International Affairs major, has been at John Cabot for two years. He often comes to the Tiber Café to study. “It’s a place where you can eat well and also study with your classmates.”

Wasim Khizaran, a communications major from Syria, goes to Tiber Cafe every morning to drink coffee and eat a cornetto. His friend Charles Tabansi, a business administration major from New York, joined him on the day of Tiber’s birthday. Charles enjoys the Tiber Cafe because, “you have the couches, you can eat, you have the computers upstairs, you can do many things at this one place.”

Elizabeth Tyrie, Assistant Director in the Housing Office, encourages students to buy a meal plan. Besides being a great place to meet friends, Tiber Cafe “makes your student life easier and more convenient.”

Italian Professor Berenice Cocciolillo said the Tiber Cafe creates a sense of community at JCU. “It’s a place where students can find professors, professors can mingle with colleagues and staff members, it’s just a great place.”

Iva says at times she feels like everyone’s big sister. She has grown very attached to the students who started at John Cabot University with her four years ago. Now, these students are ready to graduate. She will be very sad to see them go, but she bonds with the new students who arrive every semester. “Now, the students love us. And we love them.”

Check out the Tiber Cafe Third Anniversary full album on Facebook!