Trustee Ali Reza Arabnia Named "Cavaliere del Lavoro" by Italian President Giorgio Napolitano

John Cabot University Trustee and alumnus Dr. Ali Reza Arabnia was honored by Italian President Giorgio Napolitano with the title of Cavaliere del Lavoro, (“Knight of Labor”).

Instituted in 1901, the title is conferred each year during the Italian Feast of the Republic to those citizens who have distinguished themselves for their innovative contributions to the country’s economy.

Born and raised in Teheran, Dr. Arabnia graduated from John Cabot University in 1983 and has been a JCU Trustee since 1998. He has distinguished himself by his great generosity and support of the University throughout the years.

Geico S.p.A, the company led by Dr. Arabnia, specializes in turnkey original coating systems and plants for the vehicle industry.

On May 24, Italian daily Corriere della Sera dedicated a feature article to Dr. Arabnia, who is the only foreign born individual to receive this title. The article tells the story of Arabnia’s success, from his arrival in Italy to his leadership of Geico, guided by principles of “loyalty, coherence, and passion.”

Under Dr. Arabnia’s leadership, the company reacted to the serious economic crisis that hit the auto industry in 2008 by investing in innovation and research. After Geico recovered, Dr. Arabnia actually decided to give workers back the money that they lost when they were placed under a voluntary “reduced salary” regime in 2009 and 2010.

In congratulating Dr. Arabnia on behalf of the JCU community, President Franco Pavoncello said, “Your Cavaliere del Lavoro recognition is a source of tremendous pride for all of us at John Cabot University, and a long deserved acknowledgment by the Italian nation of the stellar contribution you have made to this country.”

Read the article “Il neo Cavaliere nato a Teheran che restituì la paga ai cassaintegrati” in Corriere della Sera.