John Cabot Hosts Alumni Social Reception in Rome

Alumni Social Reception Rome 2015

Alumni Social Reception Rome 2015

On Friday, February 20, 2015 John Cabot Alumni were welcomed back to their Alma Mater for a social reception. Both degree-seeking and study abroad Alumni gathered in the Aula Magna Regina to share stories and their work experiences.

President Franco Pavoncello gave a speech updating the audience on the current state of the university: “At a time when other institutions are struggling economically, John Cabot University is thriving and growing.” He also encouraged Alumni to get involved and offer support to the University. The Office of Development and Alumni Affairs offers many ways for Alumni to get involved.

The Alumni Association offers many ways for Alumni to get engaged with their Alma Mater. Click here to get learn more!

To view more photos of the Alumni Social Event, request to join the John Cabot Official Alumni Network on Facebook!

Learn more about the Alumni Association of John Cabot University in Rome.