Side-by-Side: Works by Marina Haas and Gianluca Esposito, Curated by Serafino Amato

Marina Hass

Marina Hass

The first show of 2015 in the Side-by-Side series curated by Professor Serafino Amato opens with an encounter of works by Marina Haas and  Gianluca Esposito.

Gianluca Esposito

Gianluca Esposito

The butterflies of Marina Haas and the trophies of Gianluca Esposito are zoomorphic forms generated through love. They listen… immobile only in appearance …and accept willingly. But what? They accept to inhabit and live in the world that the artist has constructed for them. Marina’s enormous butterflies seem to be suspended in a dream state waiting to free themselves and land briefly in another dream of hope. Similarly, Gianluca’s trophies move their eyes, when they have them, and are susceptible to every movement. Patient and questioning in their rudimental and noble stillness. The worlds of the artists are “so similar and yet so different.” They exist and are brought to life in the “mind” of the things they produce.

Learn about the Department of Art History and Studio Art at John Cabot University.