Professor Pejman Abdolmohammadi Interviewed by Vatican Radio on Iran's Role in Syrian Crisis

Professor Pejman Abdolmohammadi, Lecturer in Political Science and Middle Eastern Studies, was recently interviewed by Radio Vaticana, the official broadcasting service of the Vatican, on the role of Iran in the Syrian crisis.

As an Iranian-Italian scholar, Dr. Abdolmohammadi frequently gives his comments and analyses regarding Middle Eastern issues on the Italian National TV, RAIUNO and BBC Persian. He collaborates as expert on the Middle East, and especially Iranian politics, with the Italian Institute for International Political Studies in Milan (ISPI) and Limes, the Italian Review of Geopolitics and international affairs based in Rome. His research focuses on the politics and history of modern Iran, the intellectual history of Iran, geopolitics of the Persian Gulf, and international relations of the Middle East. His newest book Modern Iran: Between Domestic Affairs and International Relations will be published by Mondadori, Italy’s leading publisher.

Read and listen to the interview (in Italian) here.