JCU Alumnus Matthew De Bari in Final Round of Criminal Law Moot

Class of 2015 Alumnus Matthew De Bari

Class of 2015 Alumnus Matthew De Bari

On December 2nd, JCU Alumnus Matt De Bari, who is currently studying English Law in Kings College London, participated in the final round of the “5 Paper Buildings” Criminal Law Moot held in the courtrooms of the UK Supreme Court at Parliament Square.

“5 Paper Buildings” is a leading London criminal law set of barristers, specializing in all areas of English criminal law, often acting for both the Crown, as prosecutors, and criminal defendants. Their barristers have been involved in some of the most complex cases in the UK and often appear at the Old Bailey, London’s primary criminal court, as well as the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.

In the final round, De Bari was judged by two Queen’s Counsel as well as a law professor from University College London who authored one of the most well-known practice manuals and textbooks on English criminal law.

In order to advance to the finals, Matt De Bari had to win one preliminary and one semi-final round, each consisting of four mooters arguing about substantive points of criminal law. Advancing this far is quite unusual as he has only been studying English law for four months.

For his success, Matt acknowledges JCU professors Vanda Wilcox, Gene Ogle, and Luca de Caprariis, who always challenged him to perform at his best. “They truly inspired me to achieve great things, and I hope to go on doing so in further competitions,” said Matt.

After his moot trial experience, Matt decided to apply for a summer program in The Hague on International Criminal Law run, sponsored by Leiden University. In his future, he hopes to work in the International Criminal Court or one of the UN tribunals in the Netherlands.

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