JCU Expresses Solidarity after Earthquake in Central Italy

The John Cabot University community wishes to express its solidarity and condolences to the families affected by the earthquake that took place in central Italy last night. The first quake, of 6.2 magnitude, struck at 3:36 a.m. near the town of Accumoli in the province of Rieti, about 140 kilometers (87 miles) northeast of Rome. The number of victims continues to rise as rescue teams dig through the rubble.

Although the earthquake was felt in Rome, no damage or injury has been reported in the city, which is in a very low risk seismic area.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims and those who have lost their homes.


If you would like to make a donation to help the survivors, below are the details for a wire transfer to the Italian Red Cross:

Croce Rossa Italiana
IBAN: IT40F0623003204000030631681
Causale: Sisma Centro Italia
Codice BIC: CRPPIT2P086