Statement by President Pavoncello on Recent Media Coverage of John Cabot University

John Cabot University continues to mourn the loss of Beau Solomon, a visiting student from the University of Wisconsin, who was killed in Rome in July 2016.

The recent lawsuit brought by his parents against our Institution, and the ensuing media coverage, contain many inaccuracies and significant omissions of pertinent facts.

An accurate account of the events that led to that tragic night will, by necessity, come out in the course of this litigation. While we are utterly confident that it will fully exonerate John Cabot University, we want to renew our condolences to Beau’s family for their tragic loss.


Statement on Safety in Rome by President Pavoncello – July 6, 2016

In July of 2016, President Pavoncello was interviewed by a major news organization regarding safety in Rome. The original statement was made in Italian and the translation that appeared in various English language media outlets failed to capture the essence of President Pavoncello’s words and misrepresented their spirit. 

A reporter asked President Pavoncello the question, “Is the night life in Rome dangerous?” The President answered that it was not up to him to give a “yes” or “no” reply to the broad and complex issue of night life in a major urban city, but rather to stress that it is important for public authorities to continue to do all they can to make Rome as safe as possible. On that matter, the President added that John Cabot University takes every possible step to ensure the safety and well-being of its students during their stay in Rome through information, prompt communication, and constant vigilance of the neighborhood around JCU.

In conclusion, it is important to point out that during the past 10 years, over 13,000 U.S. students have studied at JCU and have had one of the most important and transformative experiences of their lives.