JCU Institute for Entrepreneurship Welcomes Monica Archibugi, CEO of Le Cicogne

On November 15, 2016 the Institute for Entrepreneurship hosted a lecture by Monica Archibugi, CEO and founder of the startup Le Cicogne. The aim of the company is to match demand and supply of babysitting services and to help parents find a trusted babysitter.

Monica Archibugi, CEO of Le Cicogne

Monica Archibugi, CEO of Le Cicogne

Archibugi decided to create this network because she is a babysitter herself and has experienced both how difficult it can be to find a job and how parents rely on the same babysitter over time because they have created a relationship of trust with her. Through Le Cicogne everything is easier for both sides, thanks to a double choice system. The parents can post a job request on the platform and every babysitter who is interested can apply. Then, the parents choose among the candidates which one they prefer and set up a personal meeting with the babysitter; they can also rely on the platform’s feedback system, which allows parents to give feedback on the babysitters they have worked with.

Archibugi explained the many advantages for parents of finding a babysitter through her platform; first of all, Le Cicogne checks every registered babysitter through a Skype appointment to verify their identity. Other advantages are the cashless payment system, the insurance provided by the company, which covers any damages to the child or the house, and the 24/7 customer care service. The price of the babysitting services is not fixed, but is chosen by parents and included in the job request. Le Cicogne takes about 10-20 % of the transaction, depending on the amount of hours worked.

In the last year, the company has expanded from 4 Italian cities to 110+ and has reduced the average time needed to find a babysitter from 24 hours to 2 hours. It is also working towards including more European cities at the end of the year.

Archibugi went on to explain how they are implementing marketing activities, both online and offline and she highlighted how this is essential to demonstrate the company’s worth and ability to investors.