Creativity as a Way of Life: Marketing Major Laura Santoponte

Laura Santoponte is a Marketing major and Communications minor at JCU from Magliano de’ Marsi, Abruzzo. An expected 2017 graduate, she is an Orientation Leader and a student assistant in the Italian Admissions Office. She has recently participated in Google AdCamp, a one-day experience at the Google Italian headquarters in Milan.

Laura Santoponte

Laura Santoponte

What is Google AdCamp and how did you get involved with it?
The AdCamp is Google AdWords’ program to share with university students the insights of online advertising. This year was the first AdCamp in Italy ever. I found the application on the internet and decided to send them my resume. After a while, I got an email saying I had been accepted to the AdCamp and then another one asking me to do an interview on the day of the Camp for one of two positions: sales associate or a position in the global customer experience department (which consists of assisting small and medium businesses in the Italian market in the creation of AdWords through several campaigns) in Dublin, Ireland or Breclav, Poland. At the headquarters we were welcomed by four Googlers. They explained what Google is, how it works, its history, and its company culture, and then they gave us a tour of the headquarters. After the lunch break, they illustrated the interviewing process and then we had interviews for the two positions.

Why did you choose to study Marketing?
I decided to study Marketing together with Communications because I think it is a combination that leaves room for creativity and can develop into a career in advertising, for example, which is what I am passionate about.

Why did you apply to John Cabot?
It gives you a unique approach both to academics and to the job market, compared to the Italian universities. JCU is also one of the best options in Italy for people who can’t decide whether to go abroad or stay in Italy and that was the case for me when I was considering colleges.

What is your career goal?
I would like to work in the field of advertising, maybe within a communication agency. My plan after graduation is to build some experience in this area and see if it is what I actually want to do.

Do you have any advice for a new student starting at JCU?
I’d say be involved, make as many connections as you can both with students and professors, and most of all be active because doing is the best way to learn.