JCU Professor Antonella Salvatore Publishes Book on Italian Work Culture

Professor Antonella Salvatore

Professor Antonella Salvatore

JCU Professor Antonella Salvatore recently published her new book on the work culture in Italy Stressati o sdraiati? Solo in cerca di lavoro (Stressed or Lazy? Just Looking for a Job), published by Franco Angeli.

The official presentation of the book will be held on Friday, May 4 at 6:00 PM at Ibs+Libraccio bookstore in Via Nazionale 252/255 in Rome. Watch the video presentation of the book in Italian.

Stressati o sdraiatiThe book provides food for thought on relevant aspects of today’s job market. Why does it take 5.9 years for 50% of Italian university graduates to enter the job market? Why does Italy record one of the highest numbers of N.E.E.T (Not in Education, Employment or Training) as well as the highest youth unemployment rate in the OECD area? Italy is also facing an important skills mismatch: 39% of workers between 25 and 65 years old do not have the technical skills needed to face new challenges. Professor Salvatore analyzes the Italian education system and discusses the cultural models that Italy should “import” from other industrialized European countries. The book also gives tips to young candidates who want to succeed in the job search, develop self-understanding and self-confidence, and prepare for the future.

Professor Salvatore’s background as Sales and Retail Director for multinational companies has led her to look for ways to connect the professional world with academia. At John Cabot, she teaches Marketing and is the Director of the Center for Career Services and Continuing Education, managing a professional network of +550 partner companies and organizations. As a way to contribute to the development of a positive work culture in the country, she recently launched the blog ilblogdiantonellasalvatore.com as an observatory on Italian work culture, featuring contributions from other professionals based in Italy and abroad.