“Building for the Future:” JCU Inaugurates Caroline Critelli Guarini Campus

The Caroline Critelli Guarini Campus courtyard

A view of the Caroline Critelli Guarini Campus courtyard

John Cabot University inaugurated its newest building in Rome, the Caroline Critelli Guarini Campus on Sunday, May 13, 2018. The building is named for Caroline Critelli Guarini (1900 – 2001), mother of the Chairman Emeritus of the JCU Board of Trustees, Hon. Frank J. Guarini.

Joining President Franco Pavoncello was the JCU Board of Trustees, representatives of local authorities, and a large contingent of alumni and friends of John Cabot University.

The Critelli Guarini campus was completely renovated in keeping with the theme of “Building for the Future,“ with the aim of providing students from all over the world with a new academic center in the heart of Rome. The renovation, which was carried out by the AeV architecture studio, was made possible by the generosity of the Hon. Guarini, who donated three million dollars to the University, the largest single donation in JCU history.

Built in 1907, the 1600 square-meter (17,222 square feet) building features three original frescos by Giovanni Battista Conti. In addition to classrooms and a physics laboratory, the facility hosts executive offices and a computer lab, and will be home to JCU’s recently inaugurated Master of Arts in Art History, the MA in the history of art based entirely in Rome offered by a US-accredited university.

President Franco Pavoncello, the Hon. Frank J. Guarini, Chair Sal Salibello, Mr. Francesco Ruspoli

From left: President Franco Pavoncello, Hon. Frank J. Guarini, Chair Sal Salibello, Mr. Francesco Ruspoli

“This is a landmark in the growth of our beloved University, our first property in Rome after almost 50 years of presence in the Eternal City, an achievement that will inevitably energize us as we move towards an enrolment of 1,500 students,” said President Pavoncello.  “We are very proud to have brought back an important building in the center of Rome to its original beauty and elegance, at the end of a process of renovation for which we want to thank our architects and contractor, and most importantly the generous donation of the Hon. Guarini.”

The Hon. Guarini remarked on how fitting it was that the inauguration ceremony was held on Mother’s Day since it gave him an opportunity to celebrate his mother and all that she achieved throughout her long and fruitful life. “I congratulate President Pavoncello and Vice President and Dean Mary Merva for their tireless efforts in helping John Cabot University become a symbol of academic excellence,” said the Hon. Guarini.

The recently elected Chair of the Board of Trustees, Sal Salibello also greeted the guests. “I am so honored to be the Chair of the Board at such a prosperous moment for our community. The Caroline Critelli Guarini Campus is providing new academic possibilities to our students, but also a new image of JCU – that of a thriving institution that is rooted in the American tradition but also in the history of Rome.”

On this occasion, alumnus Francesco Ruspoli was appointed President of the JCU Alumni Association. “When I graduated in 1983, JCU was a very different place, with only 300 students,” said Ruspoli. “But even then, it was a very international place with a strong sense of community. I am impressed at how much JCU has grown while maintaining its international character. As president of the Alumni Association, I hope to contribute to strengthening the sense of community and pride among the over 12,000 JCU alumni throughout the world,” added Ruspoli.

The inauguration ceremony was covered in the Italian press. Read the articles (in Italian):
Diregiovani.it: “Nuovo campus per la John Cabot University: proiettati nel futuro”
Affaritaliani.it: “La John Cabot University prende casa a Trastevere. Ecco il nuovo Campus