Professor Argentieri Interviewed by Al Jazeera on Italy's 2019 Budget

Argentieri on Al Jazeera

Prof. Argentieri interviewed by Al Jazeera

Professor Federigo Argentieri, director of the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs, was interviewed by Al Jazeera on the Europe Union’s rejection of Italy’s budget law for 2019.  He commented that the rejection was inevitable and expected. The left/right populist coalition, elected last March and empowered in June, negotiated an increase in public deficit but planned no investments for growth, only random public expenditure, thereby contravening the basic parameters set by Brussels. This setback could have serious political consequences in the near future.

Federigo Argentieri is Adjunct Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of Guarini Institute for Public Affairs. He teaches courses on international security and comparative politics of Europe, Latin America , and developing countries and regularly contributes to Italy’s newspaper Corriere della Sera and to other Italian and international media.