John Cabot University Launches Minor in Art and Design

John Cabot University is pleased to announce the launch of the Minor in Art and Design, beginning in Fall 2020. With courses ranging from fresco painting to graphic design and video art, the minor allows students to research and develop ideas across a unique range of mediums. Firmly anchored in theoretical and methodological approaches, it is inherently experimental and socially engaged.

JCU Studio Art Facility - Painting/Drawing Wing

JCU Studio Art Facility – Painting/Drawing Wing

As an interdisciplinary field, Art and Design encompasses all aspects of creative practice, from conception to production. The Minor in Art and Design, which complements many majors across the University, develops visual thinking and aesthetic awareness, as well as abilities for innovative decision-making, problem-solving, and project management.

Many of the courses draw upon the rich context of Rome itself and blend studio activity with onsite learning. Says Professor James Gardner, Coordinator of the minor, “A fundamental feature of the minor is that it encourages students to interact with the vibrant artistic and cultural networks of Rome, a city that is home to a wealth of creative practitioners, from emerging artists to leading fashion houses.

JCU Studio Art Facility - Painting/Drawing Wing

JCU Studio Art Facility – Painting/Drawing Wing

The unique setting of Rome allows students to engage with works of Art History within their original context, while becoming embedded within an innovative contemporary Art and Design scene. Rome’s continual juxtaposition of period, style and cultural references provides an unparalleled context to inform students’ own creative practices. Visits to museums, galleries, studio visits and guest lecturers help to enhance the academic offering and encourage a rich dialogue between students and the professional art and design world.”

Learn more about the Department of Art History at John Cabot University.