Two Inspiring Donations from JCU Trustees Vivian Cardia and Paula Frohring

John Cabot University President Franco Pavoncello is pleased to announce that JCU Trustees Vivian Cardia and Paula Frohring have made generous donations to the University to help offset the crisis caused by COVID-19.

On April 9, 2020, Trustee Cardia, President of Vivicar, LLC, donated $50,000 to JCU. Shortly thereafter, Trustee Frohring of the Frohring Foundation decided to match that donation.

John Cabot University's Critelli Campus

John Cabot University’s Caroline Critelli Guarini Campus

Ms. Cardia said that making a gift at this time was a way for her to show her dedication and appreciation to John Cabot University, which has given her so many fond memories.

Ms. Frohring said that she made the donation in keeping with the vision of her father Paul Frohring, one of JCU’s founders. Paul Frohring saw John Cabot University as an opportunity for students from all over the world and especially from the United States to recognize that they are all part of the same global family. He foresaw that studying at JCU would provide students with a prestigious degree that would serve them well in their future endeavors.

“It is with sincere gratitude and joy that I  announce that our beloved Trustees Vivian Cardia and Paula Frohring just donated $50,000 each to John Cabot University. Receiving this great gift during these very trying times is a wonderful inspiration for all of us at John Cabot University and a sign that we are on the right course. We know that we will come out stronger from this challenging period, and Vivian and Paula’s support and affection strengthens us in this conviction,” said President Pavoncello.

The rest of the Board of Trustees and the entire JCU community join President Pavoncello in expressing their deepest gratitude to Trustees Cardia and Frohring for their great generosity during this difficult time.