John Cabot University Launches Minor in Mathematics: a Journey → ∞ and Beyond

John Cabot University is pleased to announce the launch of a Minor in Mathematics, beginning in Fall 2020. With courses ranging from Calculus to Statistics and Advanced Programming, the minor provides conceptual and technical training that prepares students either to start working as professional quantitative analysts or to study towards graduate degrees in Economics, Finance, Business Analytics, Logistics, and related disciplines.

John Cabot University Launches Minor in Mathematics

Aside from the more obviously applied courses, the curriculum of the minor is designed to also support broad achievement in pure mathematical thinking, and computation. Since there are only two required courses, students have ample opportunity to design a minor that is more theoretical or more practical, in line with their interests and aspirations for employment or graduate study.

Says Professor Stefano Arnone, Chair of the Department of Mathematics, Natural and Applied Sciences, “Pursuing a Minor in Mathematics makes students more “fluent” in another, universal language that is not opposed to the Humanities, but rather complements them. Furthermore, studying pure and applied mathematics enables students to develop very valuable (and sought-after) analytical and problem-solving skills and widens their opportunities to pursue graduate studies or carriers in growing areas of quantitative analysis, data analytics, logistics and supply chain management, economics, and finance.”

Learn more about the Minor in Mathematics at John Cabot University.