JCU Announces Winners of Italy Pitches 2021 Final Contest

JCU’s Institute for Entrepreneurship (IFE) and Programs for High Schools are pleased to announce the winners of the Italy Pitches 2021 final contest, which saw 159 students and 12 teachers from 11 schools (in Rome, Pomezia, Sabaudia, Naples, Venice) registered.

The Competition
Italy Pitches is JCU’s national, English-language pitching competition offered free of charge to Italian high-school students. Participating students gain video-making skills and learn about the role businesses can play in building a better, healthier, more inclusive society. Italy Pitches is completely online and certifiable for 30 hours for Percorsi per le Competenze Trasversali e per l’Orientamento (PCTO), a mandatory program that allows Italian high school students to acquire practical work experience.

During the program, students were introduced to corporate social responsibility, completed a tutorial on the essentials of video-making, performed company research and profiling, and produced a short video pitch highlighting how Italian companies pursue one or more UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Short-listed videos were posted on the IFE Facebook page for a popular vote. The prize for each video pitch is a €100 gift certificate.

Italy Pitches 2021 participating schools
International School of Naples (Prof. Antonietta Sepe)
Liceo Montessori (Prof. Chiara Midolo and Prof. Emilia Salomone)
Liceo Scientifico Statale I. Newton (Prof. Cinzia Cetraro)
I.I.S. VIA ROMA 298 (Liceo Majorana), Guidonia (RM) (Prof. Maria Letizia D’Antonio)
Liceo Tito Lucrezio Caro (Prof. Fabio Spinelli)
Liceo Bertrand Russell (Prof. Franca Rogai)
Liceo Classico Europeo Marco Foscarini, Venezia (Prof. Laura Galante)
Liceo Scientifico G.B. Grassi, Latina (Prof. Letizia Cherri)
Liceo Giordano Bruno, Roma (Prof. Lorenzo Silvaggi)
I.I.S. Blaise Pascal, Pomezia (Prof. Nadia Gabbarrini)
Liceo Classico Statale Giulio Cesare, Roma (Prof. Teresa Luppino)