Professor Alina Sorgner Invited to Talk at ICRIER's 13th Annual International G20 Conference

Professor Alina Sorgner

Professor Alina Sorgner

Professor Alina Sorgner was invited to talk at the 13th Annual International G20 Conference on “Global Economic Coordination in the Age of Pandemic: Views from the G20 Members” organized by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER). ICRIER is one of India’s premier economic think tanks specializing in topics such as the digital economy. Their international G20 Conference has become an annual tradition for eminent researchers, academics, and policymakers to come together to debate on contemporary economic and social issues facing the world economy as a precursor to the G20 Summit. This year’s conference assumes even greater importance with Italy holding the presidency and India joining the G20 Troika.

Professor Sorgner will be a panelist (together with Carl B. Frey, Oxford Martin Citi Fellow, University of Oxford, and Ruzbeh Irani, President, Group Human Resources & Communications, and member of Mahindra’s Group Executive Board) in the session on “Future of Work and Social Protection in the Post-Covid World: Role that G-20 can Play,” scheduled for Thursday, October 7, 7-8:30 pm IST (Indian Standard Time). This session will explore the critical role the G-20 members are playing in the post-pandemic world. While digital technology has been a savior during the pandemic, helping to keep the economy functioning, will rapid digital adoption during a pandemic mean potentially faster and larger structural disruptions to labor markets? What should education and labor market policies of G-20 member countries be in order to ensure that technology is harnessed for its good, while workers adversely affected by it find a safety net?

Professor Sorgner is Assistant Professor of Applied Data Analytics in the Department of Business Administration at John Cabot University. She is also a Research Fellow at Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW Kiel) and a Research Affiliate at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA). She received her doctoral degree in economics from the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany. Her research work in the field of digitalization, gender, entrepreneurship, and regional studies has been published in peer-reviewed journals and discussed in leading newspapers including Süddeutsche ZeitungFrankfurter Allgemeine, and La Nación. She regularly collaborates with international organizations (e.g., Women20 and Think20, the initiative groups within the G20), advises policymakers (e.g. members of the German Bundestag), and gives invited talks on these and related topics.

Register for the virtual event here