Meet Assistant Director of Rome Study Abroad Admissions Michel Rosuelo

Born and raised in the Philippines, alumna Michel Rosuelo graduated from JCU in 2013 with a B.A. in Communications. She then started working at JCU, where she has been for over eight years. Michel has recently been promoted to Assistant Director of Rome Study Abroad Admissions.

Michel Rosuelo

Michel Rosuelo

What brought you to Rome and JCU?
I moved to Rome 11 years ago to reunite with my family, and I stumbled across the opportunity to study and eventually work at JCU. I have spent all of my 11 years in Rome here at JCU, the first two as a student and the rest as staff. Time really does fly by so quickly!

What does your role of Assistant Director of Rome Study Abroad Admissions entail? What are its most challenging and rewarding aspects?
I supervise the Study Abroad Office and assist the Director of Admissions in developing and implementing recruitment and enrollment strategies. I manage all incoming study abroad applications from our affiliated universities and assist the students through the application, registration, and visa procedures. I’m also the main contact person for our partner schools, as having a constant point of reference at JCU is important for them. Knowing who to contact for any JCU-related inquiries, from simple questions to emergency situations, allows for a smooth collaboration.

The most rewarding aspect of my job is seeing students thrive during their study abroad experience. It is gratifying to witness students transform into global citizens as they are exposed to different cultures and new challenges.

The most challenging aspect is being able to meet students’ and their parents’ expectations. Studying abroad can be one of the most exciting chapters in a student’s life, but it is not for everyone. I’ve witnessed students who were so thrilled all throughout the process end up flying back home the moment soon after arrival because of anxiety. It’s challenging to set the right expectations while assuring them that this will be one the best experiences of their lives.

What are some important considerations that students who wish to study abroad should keep in mind when choosing a university?
Aside from the culture and location of the university, academics should always be the priority. Students should go abroad not only to immerse themselves in a new culture but also to earn credits that will keep them on track for graduation.

Students should also keep an open mind and be willing to adjust to their new environment. JCU’s Counseling Center offers free short term individual counseling sessions for students who need support and guidance.

How has JCU’s Study Abroad Program grown over the years? What kind of advantages and opportunities does JCU offer to its study abroad students?
In the last 8 years, I’ve seen a lot of growth in enrollment. We continue to develop ties with other institutions, and we have established many new partnerships.

One thing that I am very proud of is our robust academic offering. Partners choose us because we offer a large variety of transferable courses, and we provide a complete package of accommodations, meals, trips and activities, internships, and more. It is so great to see JCU thrive despite all the challenges we’ve faced in the last couple of years. JCU is not going anywhere but up!