John Cabot University Celebrates 2023 Student Award Winners

John Cabot University held its annual Student Awards Ceremony in the Aula Magna on April 13, 2023. The Academic Excellence Awards, presented by JCU President Franco Pavoncello and Dean of Academic Affairs Stefano Arnone, are awarded to graduating students who have attained a high level of academic excellence in, and made a significant contribution to, the field of the award. The Dean of Students, Carla Wiegers, presented two Outstanding Service Awards.

2023 Student Awards Ceremony

2023 Student Awards Ceremony

President Franco Pavoncello commented on the high quality of the students being honored as JCU celebrates its 50th anniversary as an American university in Rome: “Many of the students in the Class of 2023 started their university career during the pandemic, under lockdown and wearing masks. But through hard work and determination, they reached their goals with flying colors.” He also stressed that student success would not be possible without the dedication of JCU’s professors: “I’m sure that each of you knows the name of a professor without whom your time here would have not been the same, someone who made the difference by being an inspiration or by helping out in a moment of difficulty. Today we also celebrate our exceptional faculty.”

Congratulations to all the winners!

Academic Awards

The Lloyd Dodd Award in Art History: Francesca Barone

The Luciano Battelli Award in Business Administration: Valentina Gozzi

Classical Studies: Margaret Louise Henry and Ethan James Watson

Communications and Media Studies: Lindsey Amoruso Rippert

Creative Writing: Angelica Luzzi

Economics: Antea Di Legge and Elettra Scianetti

The Alan Christensen Award in English Literature: Giulia Leo and Irene Palermo

Finance and Accounting: Elisabetta Maria Moretti and Anthony Tricarico

The Brian Williams Award in History: Lucio Antonio Bianchi

Humanistic Studies: Justin Caterina and Sofia Bianca Radtke

International Affairs: Eleonora Lucia Cammarano and Giulia Elisa Petroni

International Business: Barbara Casciano

Italian Literature: Vanessa Braun and Mary Rose Curran

Journalism: Ilenia Reale

Legal Studies: Giulia Elisa Petroni                

Marketing: Giorgia Mares and Camilla Rapone

Mathematics: Valentina Gozzi

Media Production: Lorenzo Polverari

Philosophy: Eleonora Lucia Cammarano and Alexander Charles Kriz

Political Science: Daria Kozlova and Lindsey Amoruso Rippert

Psychology: Francesca Mirabile

Studio Art: Costanza Mancuso

Anthony James Casling ENLUS Award: Alice Finno

The Albert Walker Fuller Prize for Op/Ed Articles: Professor Nicholas Startin “The ‘generational genie’ is out of the bottle: Why this does not bode well for the Populist Radical Right” and Julissa Raquel Castro Ruiz “10 Seconds to Impress: Global Change through Likes and Retweets”

Outstanding Service Awards

Presidential Award for Outstanding Service to John Cabot University: Courtney Nicole Smith

Student Leadership Award: Assunta Mareschi