Professor Rosa Filardi Publishes New Book of Short Stories
John Cabot University Italian Language and Theater professor Rosa Filardi recently published Lo Straordinario della vita (The Extraordinary in Life, Macabor publisher, 2023).

“If you know how to see it, the ‘extraordinary’ manifests itself everywhere. It can be an encounter or an event that can mark us or make us change direction. The eleven short stories in the book tell of the ‘extraordinary’ things that happen in our seemingly ordinary daily lives, in an infinite variety of nuances,” says Professor Filardi.
Professor Filardi also published two fairy tales for children, one in Al di là della Terraferma. Piccole storie per spiegare le ali (Beyond Dry Land – Little Stories to spread your wings) edited by Riccardo Delfino, and another in Un prezioso e magico Natale. Piccoli racconti per bambini di tutto il mondo (A Precious and Magical Christmas – Little stories for children from all over the world), edited by Sara Conci. Both volumes were published by Macabor in 2023.
“This is my first time writing fairy tales, even though I had invented some for my children when they were little, digging into memories from my own childhood. Writing fairy tales is like daydreaming, a ‘reverie,’ as French philosopher Gaston Bachelard said, because fantasy and imagination are totally liberated,” explained Professor Filardi.
Rosa Filardi is a professional (APID®) DanceMovementTherapist and collaborates with the Compagnia della Mia Misura, an integrated Dance-Theatre group and a project of social inclusion through art and dance. She is one of the founders and organizers of the InVerse poetry festival. In Spring 2024 she is teaching DR 101 Introduction to Theatrical Performance, EXP 1018 Community Inclusion Through Art and Movement, and IT 101 Introductory Italian I.