Discovering the Heart of European Economics and Politics: JCU’s Business Society Explores Brussels

During the 2024 Spring Break, the John Cabot University Business Society, accompanied by Professor Chiara Magrini, traveled to Brussels, Belgium, the de facto capital of the European Union, to delve into the intricacies of economics and politics. The trip was an immersive experience, offering students firsthand insights into the mechanisms of the European economy and the EU’s political structure.

The JCU Business Society in Brussels
The JCU Business Society in Brussels

The trip started with a visit to the Museum of the National Bank of Belgium, a treasure trove of knowledge on the evolution of money and its impact on society. Students were given a comprehensive overview of inflation and deflation, exploring the causes, effects, and strategies to address these economic phenomena. The museum’s interactive exhibits allowed visitors to understand the complexities of money production and the sophisticated security systems embedded within banknotes, highlighting the balance between innovation and tradition in currency design.

The journey continued with an exploration of the Parlamentarium and the European Parliament, providing students with a deeper understanding of the EU system. Through interactive displays and discussions, the group learned about the significance of economic stability and peace within the union. A highlight of this visit was a conversation with Tom Morgan, Public Relations Officer at the European Parliament, who shared insights into the EU’s efforts to maintain harmony and prosperity among its member states.

A significant addition to the itinerary was a visit to the European University College Association (EUCA) offices, where the group had the opportunity to discuss their initiatives as leaders and exchange ideas.

The JCU Business Society in Brussels
The JCU Business Society in Brussels

The essence of the trip is encapsulated in a quote from student Lynch Sariola, President of the JCU Business Society: “This experience in Brussels made us understand even more the importance of economics and gave us invaluable political insights.”

Reflecting on the trip, JCU Business Society Social Media Manager Sara Turati shared, “This was an unforgettable experience. It allowed me to deepen my understanding of the EU. It also gave me the opportunity to bond with the Business Society members and with the remarkable Professor Magrini, as we shared insights and engaged in lively discussions about what we learned.”

The visit to Brussels was not just a trip; it was a transformative experience for the members of the Business Society. It provided them with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities within the European Union, equipping them with the knowledge and perspectives necessary to navigate the complexities of the global economy.

As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the insights gained from this experience will undoubtedly empower these future leaders to contribute positively to the discourse on economic and political stability. This experience is a testament to John Cabot University’s commitment to providing its students with a global education, one that transcends the confines of the classroom and prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the real world.

(Giovanni Bindi)