Meet Class of 2024 Valedictorian Giovanni Tremontini

John Cabot University’s Dean of Academic Affairs Stefano Arnone is pleased to announce the Valedictorian for the Class of 2024, Giovanni Tremontini. Giovanni has earned a B.A. in Economics and Finance summa cum laude, with minors in Business Administration and Mathematics.

Giovanni Tremontini
Giovanni Tremontini

An anglicized derivation of the Latin vale dicere (“to say farewell”), the word “valedictorian” refers to the student who delivers the farewell statement at the graduation ceremony. This honor is usually granted to the student with the highest grade point average of the graduating class.

Giovanni grew up in Torre Spaccata, a neighborhood on the eastern outskirts of Rome. He attended the Liceo Classico Immanuel Kant, where he learned about JCU thanks to the Italy Reads program. After enrolling in an Italian university, Giovanni decided to transfer to JCU, where he got the chance to complement his academic background by adding a minor in Mathematics, gaining relevant academic exposure to highly advanced mathematical and statistical concepts. “This was thanks to Professor (now Dean) Stefano Arnone, whom I had the great pleasure to assist as an RA, and Professor Sara Munday, who supervised my capstone research paper,” he explained. Giovanni also served as peer tutor in the Math Tutoring Center for a wide range of courses, from Financial Accounting to Calculus II.

“I’m truly honored by this achievement, and I hope my future accomplishments will keep up with the expectations this title involves. I want to thank all the professors I met along the road for providing me with the best possible tools to succeed, both in academia and the workplace. I’ll always remember my time here with a smile on my face: I feel like John Cabot University really is one of a kind. And I hope it will expand even more, while still keeping its typical intimate yet vibrant atmosphere: it’s an experience many more people should have the right to live. Ad maiora!

After Graduation, Giovanni plans to pursue a master’s degree in Applied Math at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, specializing in Mathematical Economics. Eventually, he would like to get into a good Economics Ph.D. program.