Events News

The Syrian Civil War at Year Eight: A Talk by Professor Ibrahim Al-Marashi

The Syrian Civil War at Year Eight: A Talk by Professor Ibrahim Al-Marashi

John Cabot University's Department of Political Science and International Affairs invited Professor Ibrahim Al-Marashi to give a talk called "The Syrian Civil War at Year Eight: Examining The Relationship Between Syria, Spain, and Italy in a Mediterranean Conflict" on June 26, 2019.

Theory and Experiments in Macroeconomics and Finance: JCU Hosts International Workshop

Theory and Experiments in Macroeconomics and Finance: JCU Hosts International Workshop

On June 19, 2019 the Department of Economics and Social Sciences organized an international workshop titled “Theory and Experiments in Macroeconomics and Finance”.  The workshop was the department’s first international event.

Cinema as a Tool to Change Society: Alessio Cremonini on “Sulla mia Pelle”

Cinema as a Tool to Change Society: Alessio Cremonini on “Sulla mia Pelle”

The Department of Modern Languages and Literature and the Department of Communications and Media Studies invited director Alessio Cremonini to discuss his film "Sulla mia pelle, which was screened at John Cabot University on June 24, 2019.

John Cabot University Hosts Fifth Annual Ambassadors’ Luncheon

John Cabot University Hosts Fifth Annual Ambassadors’ Luncheon

John Cabot University welcomed 34 ambassadors and cultural attachés to the Lemon Tree Courtyard in the Guarini Campus for the fifth annual Ambassadors’ Luncheon on Friday, June 14, 2019. The event was aimed at celebrating educational exchange and international diplomacy.

Guarini Institute Panel Discussion: 30 Years After 1989 and a Week After the European Elections

Guarini Institute Panel Discussion: 30 Years After 1989 and a Week After the European Elections

On Monday, June 3rd, 2019 the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs held an event entitled “Europe: 30 years after 1989 and a week after the vote.” The speakers were Angela Brintlinger,Petr Mucha, and Caterina Preda.

“Poverty is Sexist:” JCU Welcomes Youth Ambassadors of the ONE Campaign

“Poverty is Sexist:” JCU Welcomes Youth Ambassadors of the ONE Campaign

On Monday June 3rd, the Office of Community Service, Religious Life and Multiculturalism invited JCU students Marta Moretti, Francesca Dalmazzo and JCU Alumna, Fabiana Fuschi, to present “Poverty is Sexist” as Youth Ambassadors of the ONE Campaign.

DayBreakHotels Company Testimonial: How to Market Hospitality Services

DayBreakHotels Company Testimonial: How to Market Hospitality Services

DayBreakHotels is the first online booking website and app focused on the reservation of hotel services offered exclusively for daytime use. On May 30, JCU welcomed Christiane Friedl, the company’s Senior Market Manager, to Professor Antonella Salvatore’s course “Principles of Marketing.”

Italy Writes 2019 Celebrates Winners of Creative Writing Contest

Italy Writes 2019 Celebrates Winners of Creative Writing Contest

On  June 4, JCU’s Italy Writes program announced the winners of this year's creative writing competition for high school students whose primary language of instruction is not English. 

Vivere è scrivere: JCU Presents Visual Biography of Giorgio Bassani

Vivere è scrivere: JCU Presents Visual Biography of Giorgio Bassani

On May 28, 2019, John Cabot University had the honor of presenting Vivere è scrivere. Una biografia visive di Giorgio Bassani (Living is Writing. A Visual Biography of Giorgio Bassani), recently published by Edisai edizioni in Ferrara, Italy. 

Congratulations to Winners of Italy Starts, JCU’s Entrepreneurship Mentoring Program

Congratulations to Winners of Italy Starts, JCU’s Entrepreneurship Mentoring Program

Congratulations to Rome high school students Luigi Mihau Dinu, Gabriel Fusco, Daniele Taglioni, and Samuel Marini from Liceo Seneca­, who won the second edition of John Cabot University’s Italy Starts on April 2, 2019.

International Workshop: Theory and Experiments in Macroeconomics and Finance

International Workshop: Theory and Experiments in Macroeconomics and Finance

The Department of Economics and Social Sciences at John Cabot University will host a one-day international workshop in Theory and Experiments in Macroeconomics and Finance on June 19, 2019.

Guarini Institute Hosts Screening of “Un Mondo Nuovo”

Guarini Institute Hosts Screening of “Un Mondo Nuovo”

The Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted a screening of the film "Un Mondo Nuovo" on May 9, Europe Day. The film narrates the creation of the  “Ventotene Manifesto: For a Free and United Europe.”

Congratulations to John Cabot University Class of 2019!

Congratulations to John Cabot University Class of 2019!

John Cabot University celebrated the Class of 2019 at the 47th Commencement ceremony on May 20, held at Villa Aurelia on the Janiculum Hill overlooking the city of Rome. 208 students received their B.A. degrees and 7 students received their M.A., the first graduating class of JCU’s Master of Arts in Art History.

John Cabot University Hosts Presentation of Italian Export Forum

John Cabot University Hosts Presentation of Italian Export Forum

John Cabot University was pleased to host a press conference to present the first edition of the Italian Export Forum (IEF) on May 9, 2019.  The mission of the Forum, which will be held on June 14 and 15 in Piano di Sorrento, near Naples, is to support initiatives aimed at promoting the export of Italian products in the world.

Professors Della Ratta and Geoghegan Participate in Feminist Book Fortnight

Professors Della Ratta and Geoghegan Participate in Feminist Book Fortnight

JCU Professors Donatella Della Ratta and Elizabeth Geoghegan will participate in the Feminist Book Fortnight in Rome, which is taking place at the Otherwise Bookshop between May 4 and May 18.

John Cabot University to Take Part in Open House Roma 2019

John Cabot University to Take Part in Open House Roma 2019

John Cabot University is honored to take part in Open House Roma 2019, an international initiative aimed at opening the doors to the city’s little-known architectural treasures.

Panel Discussion on European Parliament’s Study on Contemporary Forms of Slavery

Panel Discussion on European Parliament’s Study on Contemporary Forms of Slavery

The Guarini Institute hosted a panel discussion on contemporary forms of slavery authored by Silvia Scarpa on April 16. During the event Scarpa discussed the issue of modern slavery, professor Parosha Chandran emphasized the need for binding uniform laws on modern forms of slavery, and the third panelist Maria Grazia Giammarinaro stressed the link between immigration, human trafficking, and exploitation.

JCU to Welcome Italian P.M. Giuseppe Conte and Journalist Greg Burke at Commencement 2019

JCU to Welcome Italian P.M. Giuseppe Conte and Journalist Greg Burke at Commencement 2019

John Cabot University is pleased to announce the special guests for the 2019 Commencement Ceremony, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and journalist Greg Burke.

Sad By Design: Melancholy in Social Media

Sad By Design: Melancholy in Social Media

The JCU Communications Department hosted the event “Geert Lovink - Sad by Design: on Platform Nihilism” as the last segment of the Digital Delights Series, on April 10, 2019.

Moltitudine: Expanded Cinema Student Video Exhibit

Moltitudine: Expanded Cinema Student Video Exhibit

JCU is pleased to present the video exhibit MOLTITUDINE on Thursday, May 2, 2019, featuring the work of students in Professor Marco Ferrari's Spring 2019 Expanded Cinema course.