Alumni News

JCU Alumna Clara Giannini’s Class Assignment Published

JCU Alumna Clara Giannini’s Class Assignment Published

JCU Alumna Clara Giannini, who graduated in 2012 with her B.A. in Art History and a Minor in Italian Studies, has published a story-board, entitled Filtro PPP, in the journal La libellula. Rivista di Italianistica.

JCU Trustee Reza Arabnia’s Company Featured on Italian National TV

JCU Trustee Reza Arabnia’s Company Featured on Italian National TV

Popular prime time news program Report recently did a feature on JCU Trustee Ali Reza Arabnia, as a unique example of a CEO guided by ethical principles and a courageous and creative approach to problem-solving in times of crisis.

JCU Alumna Mari Yoko Hara Wins Prestigious Rome Prize in Art History

JCU Alumna Mari Yoko Hara Wins Prestigious Rome Prize in Art History

Mari Yoko Hara, who earned her B.A. in Art History at John Cabot University, won the two-year pre-doctoral Rome Prize of the American Academy in Rome for 2012-2014 and is currently in residence at the Academy as a Rome Prize Fellow.

John Cabot University and UNICRI Launch Summer School on Human Rights

John Cabot University and UNICRI Launch Summer School on Human Rights

On Monday, July 23, John Cabot University and UNICRI, the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, launched the Summer School on Human Rights.

JCU’s Institute in International Communication Debates Politics, Money and Social Media

JCU’s Institute in International Communication Debates Politics, Money and Social Media

On Wednesday, July 11, students, faculty and alumni came together to debate the role of money in enhancing and distorting political communication, in the first of the JCU Institute in International Communication's Summer 2012 series of events.

JCU Trustee Reza Arabnia’s Company Hailed for Excellence in Time of Crisis

JCU Trustee Reza Arabnia’s Company Hailed for Excellence in Time of Crisis

JCU alumnus and Trustee Dr. Ali Reza Arabnia was recently interviewed on the Italian news channel Sky.TG24 as part of a feature on companies that are thriving despite the current economic crisis.

From Art History Major to “Indiana Jones of Art:” Anna Bottinelli’s Story

From Art History Major to “Indiana Jones of Art:” Anna Bottinelli’s Story

I am absolutely loving this job, for it combines my passions for art, research, and analysis. I have become a kind of " art-detective" throughout Italy, an "Indiana Jones of Art."

From JCU to UNESCO in Bangkok: Alumna Sara Gabai Tells her Story

From JCU to UNESCO in Bangkok: Alumna Sara Gabai Tells her Story

"Looking back on the years I spent at JCU, I can say that they were the best and most enriching years of my life. The diversity of students, the expertise of my professors, the feeling of community, and the friendships I made really shaped my personal and professional life." - Sara Gabai

JCU Theater Group Gives Rousing Performance of “Welcome to Chicago!”

JCU Theater Group Gives Rousing Performance of “Welcome to Chicago!”

The JCU Theater Group charmed a packed Aula Magna Regina on April 18th with a rousing performance of "Welcome to Chicago." Directed by 2009 JCU alumna Giulia Argentieri, the musical is an adaptation of the 2002 film Chicago directed by Rob Marshall.

GEICO Chairman Dr. Ali Reza Arabnia Gives Presidential Lecture

GEICO Chairman Dr. Ali Reza Arabnia Gives Presidential Lecture

Sponsored by the Institute for Entrepreneurship, JCU Alumnus and Trustee Dr. Arabnia gave a Presidential Lecture titled "Building a world-class company"

John Cabot University Celebrates Fortieth Anniversary This Year!

John Cabot University Celebrates Fortieth Anniversary This Year!

2012 is a very important year for John Cabot as it marks our 40th anniversary.

JCU Honors Professor Susan Fuller at Alumni Reunion Night

JCU Honors Professor Susan Fuller at Alumni Reunion Night

JCU Honors Professor Susan Fuller at Alumni Reunion Night

John Cabot University Drama Club Shines in “Into the Woods”

John Cabot University Drama Club Shines in “Into the Woods”

John Cabot University Drama Club Shines in "Into the Woods"

Professor Eric De Sena Presents Paper at Annual Meeting of AIA

Professor Eric De Sena Presents Paper at Annual Meeting of AIA

Prof. Eric De Sena Presents Paper at Annual Meeting of Archaeological Institute of America

JCU Career Services: 150+ Internship Opportunities and Growing Strong

JCU Career Services: 150+ Internship Opportunities and Growing Strong

JCU Career Services continues its growth, with over 150 competitive internship opportunities offered every semester. These opportunities include international firms and organizations.