Institute of Future and Innovation Studies News

Spirituality of Urban Indian Women: JCU Welcomes Professor Renuka Singh

Spirituality of Urban Indian Women: JCU Welcomes Professor Renuka Singh

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies, in collaboration with Cortona Week, had the honor of welcoming Professor Renuka Singh, who presented the lecture “Spirituality of Urban Indian Women,” on September 25, 2021.

John Cabot University Presents “The Future of Jobs”

John Cabot University Presents “The Future of Jobs”

On September 24, JCU students had an opportunity to participate in “The Future of Jobs,” organized by the Institute of Future and Innovation Studies.

Democracy, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future

Democracy, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies organized a roundtable discussion called “Democracy, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future,” on September 10, 2021.

The European Metamorphosis: Europe in a Post Pandemic World

The European Metamorphosis: Europe in a Post Pandemic World

The Conference Francesco Lapenta, Founding Director of the JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies participated in the international conference: “The European Metamorphosis: Europe in a Post Pandemic World” held from June 18- 20, 2021 in Taormina and Messina, Sicily.

AI Ethics and Diplomacy: an Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Event

AI Ethics and Diplomacy: an Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Event

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies organized the online lecture “AI Talk Live: AI Ethics and Diplomacy - Multilateralism & The International Governance of AI with Dr. Eugenio Vargas Garcia (UN, UNESCO),” held on June 30, 2021.

Roshi Joan Halifax on “Spirituality and Political Activism”

Roshi Joan Halifax on “Spirituality and Political Activism”

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies and Cortona Week welcomed Roshi Joan Halifax, Ph.D., for the fourth monthly Cortona Pearl, titled "Spirituality and Political Activism," which took place on May 29, 2021.

Should We Be Concerned About the Emerging Use of AI Technology?

Should We Be Concerned About the Emerging Use of AI Technology?

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies launched the first episode of the international collaboration and monthly seminars series called AI Talk Live with the episode “Should We Be Concerned About the Emerging Use of AI Technology?” on April 30, 2021.

Dr. Susan B. Eirich: “Reawakening our Bond with Earth”

Dr. Susan B. Eirich: “Reawakening our Bond with Earth”

Introduced by Professor Pierluigi Luisi and Francesco Lapenta, Director of the Institute, this Cortona Pearl hosted Susan B. Eirich, Ph.D., Founder and Executive Director of Earthfire Institute in Tetonia, Yellowstone National Park. A leading thinker and practitioner, Dr. Eirich has invested her all life in promoting a new systemic rethinking of our ecological crises via a “Reconnection Ecology.”

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Announces AI Talk Live

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Announces AI Talk Live

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies is pleased to announce the launch of the international collaboration, project, and monthly seminars series AI Talk Live.

Second Cortona Pearl: The First Pandemic of the Anthropocene

Second Cortona Pearl: The First Pandemic of the Anthropocene

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies and Cortona Week organized the second monthly Cortona Pearl titled "The First Pandemic of the Anthropocene," which took place virtually on March 27, 2021.

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Launches “Cortona Pearls” Lecture Series

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Launches “Cortona Pearls” Lecture Series

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies is pleased to announce the launch of the "Cortona Pearls" Monthly Lecture Series, in partnership with Cortona Week.

JCU Hosts Debate on the “Geopolitical Dimensions of the A.I. Race”

JCU Hosts Debate on the “Geopolitical Dimensions of the A.I. Race”

John Cabot University hosted an online roundtable called “The Global A.I. Race. Geopolitical Dimensions of the A.I. Race and the European Human-Centric Model,” on October 30, 2020.

Promoting Climate Action: JCU Hosts TEDxJohnCabotUniversity

Promoting Climate Action: JCU Hosts TEDxJohnCabotUniversity

John Cabot University had the pleasure of hosting TEDxJohnCabotUniversity on October 18, 2020, as part of the global launch of the TED Countdown initiative. The independently organized online event, licensed by  TED, featured members of the JCU community and TED Countdown Talks.

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Participates in Messina/Taormina Conference

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Participates in Messina/Taormina Conference

Francesco Lapenta, Founding Director of the JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies participated in "The Messina/Taormina Conference: The Future of Europe in the 21st Century," held from October 2 to 5, 2020.

JCU International Think Tank: The Virtualization of Education, Training, and Work

JCU International Think Tank: The Virtualization of Education, Training, and Work

John Cabot University's Institute of Future and Innovation Studies has created the think tank “The Virtualization of Education, Training, and Work.”

JCU Launches Future and Innovation “Virtual Forum” and Hosts Workshop with Mozilla

JCU Launches Future and Innovation “Virtual Forum” and Hosts Workshop with Mozilla

The John Cabot University Institute of Future and Innovation Studies is pleased to announce the launch of the JCU Future and Innovation “Virtual Forum.”

The Future of Space Economy: a Panel Discussion

The Future of Space Economy: a Panel Discussion

On March 27, 2019, John Cabot University hosted a panel presentation and networking event on the future of space economy organized by the Canadian Chamber in Italy. The event was moderated by Professor Francesco Lapenta (Director of the JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies).

JCU Hosts Roundtable on AI, Ethics and Algorithmic Biases

JCU Hosts Roundtable on AI, Ethics and Algorithmic Biases

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies and the Canadian Chamber in Italy co-organized a round table on A.I.: ​​Ethics and Algorithmic Biases.

Can Robots Feel Pain? JCU Hosts Post-Human Studies Workshop

Can Robots Feel Pain? JCU Hosts Post-Human Studies Workshop

History and Humanities Department Professors Brunella Antomarini and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, along with Professor Francesco Lapenta, Director of the JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies organized a day-long discussion called AI: III Post-Human Studies Workshop at John Cabot University on September 21, 2019.