Political Science and International Affairs News

The Populist Cry of Pain: a Talk by Professor John McCormick

The Populist Cry of Pain: a Talk by Professor John McCormick

John Cabot University welcomed John McCormick, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, as a guest speaker in the JCU Rome Political Theory Colloquium. The talk, Democracy, Plutocracy, and the Populist Cry of Pain, was co-sponsored by the Department of History and Humanities, and the Department of Political Science and International Affairs.

All the Way to Italy: Alumna Flavia Brunetti Presents First Novel

All the Way to Italy: Alumna Flavia Brunetti Presents First Novel

Flavia Brunetti presented her newly published book 'All the Way to Italy- A Modern Tale of Homecoming Through Generations Past' at John Cabot University on September 26, 2018. Born just outside of Rome but raised in the United States, Flavia attended John Cabot and graduated in 2009 with a degree in Political Science.

Professor Silvia Scarpa Assesses Respect of OSCE Commitments on Human Trafficking by Italy

Professor Silvia Scarpa Assesses Respect of OSCE Commitments on Human Trafficking by Italy

Professor Silvia Scarpa was recently asked to do an independent evaluation of the implementation by Italy of the OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) Commitments in the field of human trafficking.  The results were published in a report commissioned by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa.

Populism and Secessionism: a Talk by Professor Guillermo Graíño Ferrer 

Populism and Secessionism: a Talk by Professor Guillermo Graíño Ferrer 

John Cabot University welcomed Professor Guillermo Graíño Ferrer as a guest speaker in the Rome Political Theory Colloquium on September 17, 2018. The event was co-sponsored by the Department of Political Science and International Affairs and the Department of History and Humanities.

Writing as a Necessity: Alumna Claudia Delicato Publishes Her First Novel

Writing as a Necessity: Alumna Claudia Delicato Publishes Her First Novel

Claudia Delicato, from Rome, graduated in 2015 with a degree in International Affairs and a minor in Art History. Claudia will present her first novel, Una Cena (Castelvecchi), in Rome on October 24.

Professor Eszter Salgò on the Sacralization of Politics in India

Professor Eszter Salgò on the Sacralization of Politics in India

Professor Eszter Salgò recently delivered a paper at the conference dedicated to studying the link between aesthetics and politics at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris.

Prof. Argentieri Interviewed by CNN International on Italian PM Conte’s U.S. Visit

Prof. Argentieri Interviewed by CNN International on Italian PM Conte’s U.S. Visit

Giuseppe Conte, Italy's head executive since June 1st, paid an official visit to Washington, DC where he met US president Donald J. Trump. JCU's professor Federigo Argentieri was requested by CNN International to comment on the significance of the visit, the role currently played by Italy in the European Union and the present state of US-Italy relations.

Prof. Scarpa Discusses “Human Rights, Migration and Global Governance” at ACUNS

Prof. Scarpa Discusses “Human Rights, Migration and Global Governance” at ACUNS

Last week JCU Professor Silvia Scarpa participated to the Academic Council of the United Nations System (ACUNS) Annual Meeting on “Human Rights, Migration and Global Governance” that was held at LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome.

Alumna Elena Ravano Calheiros Launches Foundation for Rare Skin Disease

Alumna Elena Ravano Calheiros Launches Foundation for Rare Skin Disease

When JCU alumna Elena Ravano Calheiros’ twin daughters Leonor and Beatriz were born with a rare genetic disease, she and her husband knew from the start that they would do anything possible to find a cure.

“Reflections on the Revolution of 1979 in Iran:” JCU Welcomes Prof. Michael Axworthy

“Reflections on the Revolution of 1979 in Iran:” JCU Welcomes Prof. Michael Axworthy

John Cabot University welcomed Michael George Andrew Axworthy for the Presidential Lecture “Reflections on the Revolution of 1979 in Iran and Why History Matters" on June 14th.

Announcing 2018 Summer School on Migration and Human Rights

Announcing 2018 Summer School on Migration and Human Rights

John Cabot University and the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) are pleased to announce the sixth edition of the Summer School on Migration and Human Rights. 

Chess and Corporate Strategy: JCU Welcomes Luca Desiata

Chess and Corporate Strategy: JCU Welcomes Luca Desiata

According to Luca Desiata, author of Chess and Corporate Strategy, knowing how to play chess is an essential skill for managers because it improves strategic thinking and decision-making skills, especially in times of crisis.

Prof. Federigo Argentieri Co-authors Book on Central and East European Politics

Prof. Federigo Argentieri Co-authors Book on Central and East European Politics

The renowned US academic publishers Rowman & Littlefield released the fourth edition of the textbook "Central and Eastern Europe - from Communism to Democracy," with a chapter by Professor Federigo Argentieri.

President Franco Pavoncello Analyzes Italian Political Situation

President Franco Pavoncello Analyzes Italian Political Situation

JCU President Franco Pavoncello recently participated in TRT World's the Roundtable, dedicated to Italian populism in the wake of the March 4th elections.

Professor Bridget Welsh Interviewed by International Press on Malaysian Elections

Professor Bridget Welsh Interviewed by International Press on Malaysian Elections

In the aftermath of the stunning results of Malaysia's 14th General Elections on May 9, JCU Associate Professor of Political Science and Malaysia expert  Bridget Welsh is one of the lead commentators in international media.

JCU President Interviewed by Washington Post on Italy’s Political Situation

JCU President Interviewed by Washington Post on Italy’s Political Situation

JCU President Franco Pavoncello was recently interviewed by the Washington Post, as Italy moves closer to forming a coalition government composed of the Five Star Movement and the League, the two parties that received the most votes during the March 4 national elections.

A Tale of Two Cultures: English Literature Student Marina Traylor

A Tale of Two Cultures: English Literature Student Marina Traylor

Born and raised in Rome, Marina Traylor (class of 2019) is an English Literature major and International Affairs minor. Currently, she is the president of the Women’s Leadership Initiative.

The Guarini Institute Hosts Discussion on Russia and Hungary

The Guarini Institute Hosts Discussion on Russia and Hungary

The Guarini Institute for Public Affairs organized a talk called Elections in Italy, Russia, Hungary and the EU on April 11, 2018.

Professor Bridget Welsh Discusses Upcoming Elections in Malaysia

Professor Bridget Welsh Discusses Upcoming Elections in Malaysia

As Malaysia prepares for its contentious 14th General Elections, Malaysia expert and John Cabot Associate Professor of Political Science Bridget Welsh, discusses the country's electoral playing field.

Working for a Better Future: International Affairs Student Giovanni Raguso

Working for a Better Future: International Affairs Student Giovanni Raguso

Giovanni Raguso (class of 2019), is a double-major in International Affairs and International Business senior. While at JCU, he has worked at the Italian Admissions Office, the Foreign Language Resource Center and also interned at the Israeli Embassy to the Holy See and Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri. He was also a member of Speak Up! Club and the Student Government.