Professor Pietro Paganini Publishes Editorial Piece in Italian Daily "Corriere della Sera"

JCU Professor Pietro Paganini recently published an editorial piece in the prestigious Italian daily Corriere della Sera. Read the article here: “Ripartire dai Bisogni degli Studenti la Via Giusta per Cambiare la Scuola” (in Italian).

Professor Paganini also participated in the Italian news program Night Desk on the “La7” channel. The show focused on the economic news of the day, with a particular focus on the clashes in opinion between Prime Minister Matteo Renzi and the European Commission Vice-President, Jyrki Katainen.

Watch the episode here (in Italian).

A native of Milan, Professor Paganini holds a Doctorate in Communication and Complex Organizations from LUMSA University. He is the founder of Gingerit, an interior design and renovation firm. He also co-founded Competere, a transatlantic consulting firm based in Rome.

Learn more about studying Business Administration, Marketing, or International Business in Rome at John Cabot University.