John Cabot University Announces 2017 Student Award Winners

On Tuesday, April 18, 2017, John Cabot University students, faculty and staff gathered in the Aula Magna for the annual Student Awards Ceremony. The awards are in recognition of academic and service excellence. In his introductory remarks, JCU President Franco Pavoncello said “This is one of the happiest and most meaningful moments for the University and it comes at a time of great transformations for us in terms of record enrollments and the purchase of a new building. The excellence of our students also reflects the quality of our faculty and the dedication of our staff.” The Academic Achievement Awards were introduced by Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs Mary Merva. Deanna Mayer, Dean of Students, introduced the Outstanding Service Awards.

The 2017 Student Awards Recipients

The 2017 Student Awards Recipients

Congratulation to all the winners! Here is the full list:

Academic Achievement Awards:
The Lloyd Dodd Award in Art History – Poppy Farnese Grima, Alice Marinelli
Studio Art – Maria Vittoria Di Sabatino
The Luciano Battelli Award in Business Administration – Eleonora Costantini
Communications and Media Studies – Isabella Barletta
Media Production – Joseph Armenio
Economics – Federico Giordani
English Literature – Alice Bidetti, Marialaura Grandolfo
Finance and Accounting – Federico Giordani
The Brian Williams Award in History – Camilla Castellani
International Affairs – Giuseppe Spatafora
Italian Literature – John Franklin Caudill II
Marketing – Ilaria Ferrari
Mathematics – Federico Giordani, Oleksandra Vereschak
Political Science – Fabiana Fuschi
Psychology – Jessica Alvisini, Fabiana Fuschi
The Albert Walker Fuller Prize for Op/Ed Articles – Federica Bocco for “Bisexualitè”

Outstanding Service Awards:
The Presidential Award for Outstanding Service to John Cabot University – Lorenzo Padroni
The Alessandro Mioni Student Award – Oleksandra Vereschak
Student Leadership Award – Hazel Lincy Ebenezer, Cristian Michael Tracci
Service to the John Cabot University Community Award – Enrica Barberis, Giuseppe Spatafora
Community Service Award – Katherina Todisco
Student Worker Award – Gillian Rose McMurray
Sports Award – Valeria Muzzin

See all the photos.