Professor Alina Sorgner: Building Belonging in a Rapidly Changing World

Professor Alina Sorgner

Professor Alina Sorgner

JCU Applied Data Analytics Professor Alina Sorgner participated as an invited expert in a workshop on “Building Belonging in a Rapidly Changing World”, which took place on Wasan Island in Canada on August 13-17, 2018. This event was jointly organized by Breuninger Foundation, Robert Bosch Foundation, and Community Foundations of Canada, which is the national network for Canada’s community foundations working to build strong and resilient communities.

Invited experts, among whom representatives from NGO’s and social entrepreneurs, discussed the future of philanthropy against the backdrop of current technological changes, most notably digitalization. Professor Sorgner delivered a talk on “Digitalization, Gender Equality, and Individual Data Capital: Is there a new Gender Bias?” in which she brought attention to the importance of individual data capital as a potential source of inequalities in the digital era.

“We must ensure that the opportunities offered by digitization are used to increase everyone’s well-being. Otherwise, there is a serious risk that the inequalities that exist in the analog world will be amplified in the new digital world, leaving vulnerable populations even further behind,” Sorgner says.

Earlier in July, Professor Sorgner was an invited speaker at the OECD in Paris, where she gave a talk on “Digitalization of Occupations and Labor Market Transitions” during the 2nd IZA/OECD Workshop on “Labor Productivity and the Digital Economy.”

In Fall 2018, Professor Sorgner will be teaching MKT 305 Market and Marketing Research and MKT 310 Consumer Behavior.

Read the interview with Professor Sorgner: Women in the Digital Era.

Learn about studying Business and Marketing in Rome at John Cabot University.