Professor Rosa Filardi Participates in National DanceMovement Therapy Conference

Professor Rosa Filardi
Professor Rosa Filardi participated in the conference Convegno Nazionale APID® 2022 “Un altro Mondo è necessario. La DanzaMovimentoTerapia e le sfide del futuro” (National APID Conference “Another World is Necessary. DanceMovement Therapy and Challenges for the Future) in Modena, Italy in March 26-27, 2022. She presented the poster: Per un corpo vivo nei contesti educativi. Progetti a mediazione corporea e DanzaMovimentoTerapia all’interno dell’Università John Cabot di Roma (A Living Body in Educational Contexts. Projects in Body Mediation and DanceMovement Therapy at John Cabot University in Rome).
In the poster, Professor Filardi, who is a professional (APID®) DanceMovementTherapist, illustrated two projects carried out within JCU. The first was The Dancing Body, which came from the desire to offer a workshop to activate personal resources aimed at favoring wellness and positive relationships with others through body movement, open to all members of JCU community: students, professors, and staff. The second project was Community Inclusion through Art and Movement. This special one-credit course offered at JCU provides students with theoretical and practical knowledge of techniques and methodologies for teaching and learning through non-verbal communication and bodily movement. The course also offers an experiential component in which students participate in a workshop with “Compagnia della Mia Misura,” a non-profit association whose mission is to foster social inclusion through art and dance.
Professor Filardi teaches Italian Language and Theater at John Cabot University. The author of short stories and theatrical works, some of her theater plays, co-authored with Monica Mioli are collected in the book: Vieni avanti che non ci son dei sassi, (Pendragon, Bologna 2006). She was a finalist for the Premio Fersen for dramaturgy, 4th edition 2008, with her monologue Volo Verticale, published by Editoria & Spettacolo (Rome, 2009). In 2021 she published a theatrical trilogy: Volo Verticale-Scarti-Alba Liquida with Macabor, Francavilla Marittima (CS).
See the poster presented by Professor Filardi.