Gain Valuable Experience Through For-Credit Internships While Studying Abroad

At John Cabot University, you can gain professional experience while you study abroad. Doing a for-credit internship in Rome can help you learn applicable skills, immerse yourself in another culture, and make your resume stand out from other candidates.

The Web Communications Office recently interviewed three students from Texas Christian University who are taking advantage of this unique opportunity by interning with the JCU Marketing office this summer. Thomas Dickinson, a junior from Saint Louis, Missouri, is a finance major with an emphasis on real estate. Jessica Hoepfl, a junior from Houston, Texas, is doing a double major in finance and marketing. Bailey Reed, a TCU senior from Seattle, Washington, is a marketing major. All students obtained the internship through the JCU Center for Career Services. 

TCU Study Abroad Students

From left: Thomas Dickinson, Bailey Reed, and Jessica Hoepfl

How did you find out about JCU and why did you decide to study abroad and do a for-credit internship here? How has the experience been so far?
Bailey: I found out through the Center for International Studies at TCU. I have always wanted to study abroad and JCU seemed like the perfect opportunity to travel and learn about a new culture. I chose to do the internship program because I wanted to have something that would prepare me for a career after college because I’m graduating next year. I intend to work for a marketing firm once I graduate, so getting the chance to work for the Marketing office at JCU was a great opportunity. Gaining that experience was a big factor in my decision to study abroad, so the fact that I would be abroad and have an internship made JCU the perfect option.

Thomas: My older brother studied abroad, and it was the experience of a lifetime for him. I’ve loved traveling since I was young. I knew TCU offered study abroad programs, so I looked into it. I wanted to go abroad but still have a summer job and add to my work experience. The program at JCU has allowed me to take classes while gaining valuable work experience through an internship, so it was the best of both worlds for me.

What are your main duties/responsibilities?
Thomas: I am working on competitor analysis, so I have six different colleges that I analyze for their marketing strategies, their price points, the aesthetics of their social media and websites, and their financial aid options. Then I compile all that data and compare it with JCU so that the Marketing office can make more informed decisions and plans based on those numbers.

Jessica: I am helping to create the new brochure for JCU’s 50th anniversary. I have also been writing blog posts and organizing a photo drive.

Bailey: I assist with JCU’s social media. I make TikToks, write blog posts, create Instagram posts and reels, and help run the Twitter account.

How has studying abroad and interning at JCU enriched you?
Thomas: Studying abroad has definitely helped me get out of my comfort zone. At JCU you’re surrounded by students from across the globe, and that has helped me to broaden my perspective.

Bailey: I have a greater understanding of myself and of other cultures. I think I’ve also learned how to be more independent being so far from home and having to overcome challenges without my usual support system. Having never stepped foot outside of the United States until this summer, I didn’t know what to expect living in a different country. I was apprehensive about the little things like figuring out public transportation and having to eat at a restaurant alone for the first time, but once I actually put myself out there it felt great to be so independent.

Would you recommend studying abroad and interning at JCU in the summer? Why?
Thomas: I definitely would, and I have already been recommending it to my friends who want to study abroad because it’s a chance to get both credit and relevant work experience.

Jessica: I definitely would recommend interning while studying abroad. I think that you learn a lot about yourself and the things that really matter to you. I’d say to also be open about any opportunity you get as an internship. Even if it is not exactly in the field you want, it will teach you a lot more than you would expect. When I graduate from TCU I ultimately want to try to work at Condé Nast and market for fashion companies. Although my internship is not at all related to fashion, I’ve learned a lot about professional writing and social media presence, which will help me in the future.

Bailey: Yes, because I think it’s a really interesting opportunity. First of all, it’s very different from just doing an internship in the United States, and, in terms of future employment, it’s something that’s really interesting to talk about in a job interview. It’s something that will surely set you apart from other candidates.

If you are interested in a for credit internship in Rome, please contact [email protected]