Institute of Future and Innovation Studies News

Debating the Future with NATO Defense College Research Director Florence Gaub

Debating the Future with NATO Defense College Research Director Florence Gaub

The Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Francesco Lapenta hosted a debate with NATO Defense College Research Director Florence Gaub at the Luigi Sturzo Institute, in collaboration with the Hanns Seidel Foundation Italy/Vatican, the Festival della Diplomazia, and the Association of Friends of Luigi Vittorio Ferraris.

Director Francesco Lapenta Delivers Keynotes at Next Generation AI Summit in Milan

Director Francesco Lapenta Delivers Keynotes at Next Generation AI Summit in Milan

Francesco Lapenta, Director of the JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies, was a keynote speaker at the Next Generation AI Summit 2025, organized by the Italian Ministry of Education.

Director Francesco Lapenta Speaks at UN Conference in Brussels

Director Francesco Lapenta Speaks at UN Conference in Brussels

JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Francesco Lapenta was recently invited to Brussels to speak at a follow-up expert meeting of the UN Summit of the Future, focused on governance, digital frameworks, and sustainable development.

Director Francesco Lapenta Speaks at Historic UN “Summit of the Future” in New York

Director Francesco Lapenta Speaks at Historic UN “Summit of the Future” in New York

Francesco Lapenta, Director of the Institute of Future and Innovation Studies, spoke at the ImPACT Coalition session during the Action Days of the Summit of the Future hosted by the United Nations in New York. Lapenta presented his critique on the "Governing AI for Humanity" document released as part of the Pact.

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Francesco Lapenta Contributes Chapter to New Book A New Global Deal: Reforming World Governance

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Francesco Lapenta Contributes Chapter to New Book A New Global Deal: Reforming World Governance

Francesco Lapenta, Director of the Institute of Future and Innovation Studies, has contributed to a new book "A New Global Deal: Reforming World Governance".

Experts Gather at JCU to Discuss Disinformation and AI in Elections 

Experts Gather at JCU to Discuss Disinformation and AI in Elections 

On May 20, 2024, a panel of distinguished experts convened at John Cabot University's Guarini Campus to discuss the critical topic of "Disinformation and Elections in the Age of AI-Generated Content."

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Francesco Lapenta Speaks at UN Global Summit in Kenya 

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Francesco Lapenta Speaks at UN Global Summit in Kenya 

Francesco Lapenta was invited to speak at the first global UN Civil Society Conference ever held in Africa, in Nairobi, Kenya.

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Lapenta Speaks at Harvard to Honor Dr. Alondra Nelson

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Lapenta Speaks at Harvard to Honor Dr. Alondra Nelson

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies' Director Francesco Lapenta was recently invited to speak at Harvard to honor Dr. Alondra Nelson at the AI World Society (AIWS) Award ceremony. 

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Francesco Lapenta Invited to UN Summit in New York

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Francesco Lapenta Invited to UN Summit in New York

Francesco Lapenta was recently invited to contribute to the first summit on the "Citizen Stack: Digital Public Infrastructure, Transformative Technology for Citizens" at the UN in New York.

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Francesco Lapenta Presents Report at UN Event

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Francesco Lapenta Presents Report at UN Event

Francesco Lapenta, Director of the JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies, recently presented a report at a UN Event in Brussels.

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Hosts Expert Roundtable on Global Challenges and UN 2030 Sustainability Goals

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Hosts Expert Roundtable on Global Challenges and UN 2030 Sustainability Goals

JCU hosted an illuminating Experts' Roundtable titled "Global Challenges and the UN 2030 Sustainability Goals: Navigating a World in Crisis."

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Hosts Symposium on “Tech for Humanity: Open Standards, Trustworthy AI, and the Common Good”

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Hosts Symposium on “Tech for Humanity: Open Standards, Trustworthy AI, and the Common Good”

The Institute of Future and Innovation Studies, in collaboration with the Boston Global Forum, hosted a symposium on global governance and AI.

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies co-organizes High-Level Workshop on UN New Global Deal in Geneva

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies co-organizes High-Level Workshop on UN New Global Deal in Geneva

John Cabot University is proud to announce that Director of Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Francesco Lapenta participated in a significant closed-door workshop in Geneva, Switzerland, on October 23, 2023.

Sven Helbig in Concert: A Captivating Celebration of Music and Innovation

Sven Helbig in Concert: A Captivating Celebration of Music and Innovation

A concert featuring renowned composer and musician Sven Helbig was recently presented by John Cabot University and the Institute of Future and Innovation Studies.

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Hosts “Technology, Art and the Posthuman” Conference

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Hosts “Technology, Art and the Posthuman” Conference

John Cabot University's Institute of Future and Innovation Studies is pleased to announce the conference "Technology, Art and the Posthuman: The End or a New Beginning for Humanism?" on May 13 and 14, 2023.

Institute Director Francesco Lapenta Invited to Harvard AIWS Award for UN Tech Envoy Amandeep Gill

Institute Director Francesco Lapenta Invited to Harvard AIWS Award for UN Tech Envoy Amandeep Gill

Francesco Lapenta, Director of the Institute of Future and Innovation Studies, was invited at Harvard University by the Boston Global Forum to honor Amandeep Gill, the UN Secretary-General’s Envoy on Technology with the World Leader in AI World Society Award.

JCU Launches Tech and Peace Global Initiative with UN Centennial Program

JCU Launches Tech and Peace Global Initiative with UN Centennial Program

JCU's Institute of Future and Innovation Studies hosted symposium “Technology for Peace and Democracy in the Age of Global Enlightenment”. It discussed a future vision of technological development and regulation promoting usage of technology for peace, democracy, and the planet.

A Manifesto on Enforcing Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

A Manifesto on Enforcing Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

On Thursday, October 9, the JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies presented the Transatlantic Consensus Manifesto "Enforcing Law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence."

Institute Director Francesco Lapenta on Systemic Thinking in AI

Institute Director Francesco Lapenta on Systemic Thinking in AI

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Director Francesco Lapenta was invited to deliver keynote address at the Cortona Week conference.

Institute Participates in Harvard University “Laurel for Peace and Security in Ukraine” Symposium

Institute Participates in Harvard University “Laurel for Peace and Security in Ukraine” Symposium

On April 29, 2022, Harvard University hosted the conference "Laurel for Peace and Security in Ukraine."