Philosophy News

JCU Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner to Join Editorial Board at Immortalists Magazine

JCU Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner to Join Editorial Board at Immortalists Magazine

John Cabot University Philosophy Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, a leading expert on transhumanism and posthumanism, was invited to become a member of the Editorial Board of the "Immortalists Magazine."

JCU to Host 5th Posthuman Studies Online Workshop

JCU to Host 5th Posthuman Studies Online Workshop

John Cabot University’s History and Humanities Department is proud to announce the 5th JCU Posthuman Studies Workshop, called “Truth, Relativism and the Posthuman Paradigm Shift.” The workshop will be held on Saturday November 28, 2020 at JCU, from 5.30pm to 8.45pm.

Professor Stefan L. Sorgner on Posthuman Paradigm Shift

Professor Stefan L. Sorgner on Posthuman Paradigm Shift

Professor Sorgner was recently featured in The Immortalists, a transhumanist lifestyle and educational magazine.

JCU Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner on Posthuman Philosophies 

JCU Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner on Posthuman Philosophies 

JCU Philosophy Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner was invited to write an article on posthuman philosophies for the most recent issue of the Italian magazine 'Civiltà delle macchine.'

From JCU to Columbia School of Journalism: Congratulations Eleonora Francica

From JCU to Columbia School of Journalism: Congratulations Eleonora Francica

Senior Eleonora Francica is from Albano Laziale, near Rome. An International Affairs major and Philosophy minor, she is headed to the Columbia School of Journalism, where she was the only Italian admitted to the Master of Science program for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Sex and Robots: JCU Hosts 4th Posthuman Studies Workshop

Sex and Robots: JCU Hosts 4th Posthuman Studies Workshop

John Cabot University hosted a workshop called “Sex in Posthuman Times,” which tackled various topics like sex robots, sexuality, deep porn, and agency, on Saturday, February 1, 2020.

A Pivotal Time in History: Spiritual Traditions in “The Axial Age”

A Pivotal Time in History: Spiritual Traditions in “The Axial Age”

JCU’s Department of History and Humanities organized a talk called "The Axial Age: An Age of Transformation in Ethics and Religions" on November 25, 2019.

Giorgio de Chirico and Philosophy: JCU Welcomes Professor Riccardo Dottori

Giorgio de Chirico and Philosophy: JCU Welcomes Professor Riccardo Dottori

JCU Department of History and Humanities welcomed Professor Riccardo Dottori who gave a talk on “Giorgio de Chirico and Philosophy.”

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner on Genome Editing

Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner on Genome Editing

In an interview with a leading Dutch scientific news website, Professor Sorgner commented on the latest developments in the field of genome editing.

Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? A Discussion with Prof. Sorgner

Are We Living in a Computer Simulation? A Discussion with Prof. Sorgner

Philosophy professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner rebuts Elon Musk’s claim according to which we would be living in highly-complex computer simulation.

Hacking the Binary: JCU Welcomes Philosopher Paul B. Preciado

Hacking the Binary: JCU Welcomes Philosopher Paul B. Preciado

The JCU Department of Communications invited Paul B. Preciado to take part in the second edition of the Digital Delights and Disturbances lecture series.

Professor Sorgner Presents at “Otiose Leisure and the Body” Conference

Professor Sorgner Presents at “Otiose Leisure and the Body” Conference

JCU Philosophy Professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner was invited to give the opening presentation at a leading conference “Otiose Leisure and the Body” in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, on October 13.

Can Robots Feel Pain? JCU Hosts Post-Human Studies Workshop

Can Robots Feel Pain? JCU Hosts Post-Human Studies Workshop

History and Humanities Department Professors Brunella Antomarini and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, along with Professor Francesco Lapenta, Director of the JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies organized a day-long discussion called AI: III Post-Human Studies Workshop at John Cabot University on September 21, 2019.

Sad By Design: Melancholy in Social Media

Sad By Design: Melancholy in Social Media

The JCU Communications Department hosted the event “Geert Lovink - Sad by Design: on Platform Nihilism” as the last segment of the Digital Delights Series, on April 10, 2019.

Professor Stefan Sorgner on Overhuman: A Plea for a Nietzschean Transhumanism

Professor Stefan Sorgner on Overhuman: A Plea for a Nietzschean Transhumanism

In the March 2019 edition of the German equivalent of "The Atlantic", the "Cicero Kulturmagazin", a detailed interview has been published, which is entitled "Der Übermensch ist unsere Hoffnung" ("The Overhuman is our Hope").

Arendt’s Lesson for our ‘Post-Truth’ Moment: Dr. Guido Parietti

Arendt’s Lesson for our ‘Post-Truth’ Moment: Dr. Guido Parietti

Parietti introduced the German philosopher and political theorist Hannah Arendt (1906 - 1975) as one of the most important political thinkers of the 20th century. Her works, such as “The Origins of Totalitarianism” (1951), “The Human Condition” (1958), and “On Revolution” (1963) undoubtedly attest to the uniqueness of her understanding of politics.

Professor Stefan Sorgner on Posthumanities at University of Tallinn, Estonia

Professor Stefan Sorgner on Posthumanities at University of Tallinn, Estonia

JCU philosophy professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner was invited to giving the opening keynote address at a winter school at the University of Tallinn, Estonia dedicated to posthumanities. Posthumanities and Posthuman Studies address the impact of emerging technologies from a humanities perspective.

Professor Stefan Sorgner Joins Judge Panel at Austrian Patent Ceremony

Professor Stefan Sorgner Joins Judge Panel at Austrian Patent Ceremony

Professor Stefan Sorgner attends Austrian Patent Ceremony as a judge, and discusses Metahumanities in Seoul-based conference.

The Mirror as Technological Device: a Lecture by Nefeli Misuraca

The Mirror as Technological Device: a Lecture by Nefeli Misuraca

Professor Brunella Antomarini welcomed Professor Nefeli Misuraca to her PH 304 Philosophy of Art and Beauty class on September 27, 2018. Professor Misuraca gave a lecture called The Mirror as Technological Device, which explored how such a simple device has affected the representation of reality.

Professor Stefan Sorgner Recognized Internationally for Work in Transhumanism

Professor Stefan Sorgner Recognized Internationally for Work in Transhumanism

JCU philosophy professor Stefan Lorenz Sorgner's work in transhumanism has been recognized internationally in the past few months.  Forbes magazine recently published an article on the “Ethics of Transhumanism,” which illustrates Sorgner's philosophical reflections.