Admissions News

Study Abroad Student Alethea Stolzfus Testimonial

Study Abroad Student Alethea Stolzfus Testimonial

Read the testimonial that Alethea Stoltzfus, a visiting student at John Cabot University in 2012, wrote for her home school's paper, the Suffolk Voice.

Joyce Carol Oates Interviewed by Two Major Italian Newspapers

Joyce Carol Oates Interviewed by Two Major Italian Newspapers

Ms. Oates was recently interviewed by two major Italian newspapers, La Stampa and Il Messaggero.

John Cabot University Unveils Dean’s List Scholarship

John Cabot University Unveils Dean’s List Scholarship

John Cabot University is pleased to announce the addition of a new scholarship, the JCU Dean's List Scholarship, to the current existing scholarship opportunities available to its students.

Study Abroad in Rome: Charlotte Landon’s Experience

Study Abroad in Rome: Charlotte Landon’s Experience

Check out Charlotte Landon's story of her semester studying at JCU!

Read Elizabeth Landon’s Story of Her Semester Studying Abroad at JCU!

Read Elizabeth Landon’s Story of Her Semester Studying Abroad at JCU!

Find out about Study Abroad student Elizabeth Landon's account of her semester at JCU.

“Italian Students Enrollment at JCU Has Increased 40%” – La Repubblica

“Italian Students Enrollment at JCU Has Increased 40%” – La Repubblica

The Rome section of Italian daily newspaper La Repubblica reported that the number of Italian students enrolled at JCU has increased 40% this year.