Events News

“Is A.I. Good for the Planet?,” A Talk by Benedetta Brevini

“Is A.I. Good for the Planet?,” A Talk by Benedetta Brevini

On September 23, Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Sydney Benedetta Brevini discussed her new book, "Is A.I. Good for the Planet?" (Polity, 2021).

John Cabot University to Take Part in Open House Roma 2021

John Cabot University to Take Part in Open House Roma 2021

John Cabot University is honored to announce that it has once again been selected to take part in Open House Roma, an international initiative aimed at opening the doors to the city’s little-known architectural treasures.

Promoting Rimini as “The Italian Capital of Happiness”

Promoting Rimini as “The Italian Capital of Happiness”

On September 23, Professor Antonella Salvatore hosted a special class in the context of the Continuing Education program “Marketing, Neuroscienze e Digitale” to discuss Service Marketing and the case study of Rimini.

Democracy, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future

Democracy, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies organized a roundtable discussion called “Democracy, Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future,” on September 10, 2021.

Guarini Institute Presents “Taking Stock of Afghanistan”

Guarini Institute Presents “Taking Stock of Afghanistan”

On August 27, the Guarini Institute of Public Affairs hosted a panel on Clubhouse to discuss the situation in Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover and the terrorist attack at the Kabul Airport by ISIS-K.

Venti di Guerra tra Iran e Israele? (Winds of War between Iran and Israel?)

Venti di Guerra tra Iran e Israele? (Winds of War between Iran and Israel?)

Iran-Israel Relations - "Iran's Weapons Shipment: The Full Disclosure" by Israel Defense Forces is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0 The Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted an online event called “Venti di Guerra tra Iran e Israele?” on August 4, 2021. Moderated by Guarini Institute Director [...]

Guarini Institute Launches Inaugural Panel on Clubhouse

Guarini Institute Launches Inaugural Panel on Clubhouse

The JCU Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted an inaugural panel on the social-audio application Clubhouse to discuss the U.S. President Joe Biden's first six months in office as well as the projected future of his administration.

JCU Department of Communication Hosts Video Vortex Event

JCU Department of Communication Hosts Video Vortex Event

The JCU Department of Communications and the Office of the President held a virtual event called “Video Vortex #13:- Play, Pause and Reset,-“ on May 27, 2021. The Video Vortex Network deals with facets of both politics and aesthetics of online video.

John Cabot University Celebrates the Classes of 2020 and 2021

John Cabot University Celebrates the Classes of 2020 and 2021

On May 17, John Cabot University honored the Classes of 2020 and 2021 in a hybrid Commencement event, which took place in full compliance with the anti-COVID-19 safety protocols established by the Italian government. 

JCU to Welcome Diplomat Staffan de Mistura as 2021 Commencement Speaker

JCU to Welcome Diplomat Staffan de Mistura as 2021 Commencement Speaker

President Franco Pavoncello is pleased and honored to announce that John Cabot University’s 2021 Commencement speaker will be diplomat  Staffan de Mistura.

Digital Contagions: JCU Welcomes New Media Theorist Jussi Parikka

Digital Contagions: JCU Welcomes New Media Theorist Jussi Parikka

On April 22, the JCU Department of Communications hosted “Digital Contagions: from Network Security to Viral Capitalism,” the last lecture of the Digital Delights and Disturbances Series. Guest Jussi Parikka held a presentation on the emergence of viruses intended as both software-based risks and carriers of infectious diseases.

John Cabot University Presents the Spring 2021 Student Art Show

John Cabot University Presents the Spring 2021 Student Art Show

John Cabot University's Department of Art History and Studio Art is proud to announce the “Spring 2021 Student Art Show” on May 5, 6, and 7, from 10 AM until 5 PM. The event, sponsored by The President's Office and Student Services, will take place in the Fiorentini Art Studio (Largo dei Fiorentini 1).

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Announces AI Talk Live

Institute of Future and Innovation Studies Announces AI Talk Live

The JCU Institute of Future and Innovation Studies is pleased to announce the launch of the international collaboration, project, and monthly seminars series AI Talk Live.

A Riveder le Stelle: Dante in the 21st Century 

A Riveder le Stelle: Dante in the 21st Century 

On the occasion of the 700th anniversary of poet Dante Alighieri’s death (1265-1321), JCU’s Modern Languages and Literature Department and English Language and Literature Department organized the online event “Dante in the 21st Century,” on April 7, 2021.

John Cabot University Celebrates 2021 Student Award Winners

John Cabot University Celebrates 2021 Student Award Winners

John Cabot University’s annual Student Award Ceremony took place virtually on April 14, 2021. The awards honor graduating seniors for their academic and service excellence, acknowledging their exceptional contributions to the JCU community over the course of their student career.

Fondazione Telethon: JCU Welcomes Fundraising Director Alessandro Betti

Fondazione Telethon: JCU Welcomes Fundraising Director Alessandro Betti

Professor Antonella Salvatore welcomed Alessandro Betti, Fundraising Director at Fondazione Telethon to her course “Principles of Marketing” on March 30, 2021.

Department of History and Humanities Sponsors Two-Day Event on Roman Magic

Department of History and Humanities Sponsors Two-Day Event on Roman Magic

Professor Fabrizio Conti organized a two-day online event sponsored by the Department of History and Humanities called “Researching and Publishing Roman Magic: How an Academic Peer-Reviewed Volume Takes Shape,” held on March 13 and 20, 2021.

Rediscovering Donnacirco, the First Italian Feminist Album

Rediscovering Donnacirco, the First Italian Feminist Album

Donnacirco is the name of the first feminist album ever made in Italy, composed in 1974 but unfortunately never released. After almost 50 years, 12 female musicians and performers have decided to join forces and re-record the album, which tells of women’s existence in the Seventies, through the metaphor of the circus.

JCU Welcomes FOCSIV EU Programme Manager Eva Pastorelli

JCU Welcomes FOCSIV EU Programme Manager Eva Pastorelli

On March 19, 2021, Marketing Professor Antonella Salvatore welcomed Eva Pastorelli, European Programme Manager at FOCSIV, to her “Professional Skills for Career Development” class.

The Daimons’ Game: A Workshop by the Communications Department

The Daimons’ Game: A Workshop by the Communications Department

The JCU Department of Communications organized an online workshop called “The Daimons’ Game” on March 19, 2021, as part of the Digital Delights & Disturbances event series.