Faculty News

“The Collected Works of Carson McCullers,” Edited by Professor Dews

“The Collected Works of Carson McCullers,” Edited by Professor Dews

The Library of America published the second volume in their two-volume set of The Collected Works of Carson McCullers, edited by JCU Professor Carlos Dews.

The Colosseum as a Giant…Derrière? Prof. Lila Yawn’s New Article

The Colosseum as a Giant…Derrière? Prof. Lila Yawn’s New Article

JCU Professor Lila Yawn recently published an article in the journal California Italian Studies titled "Culiseo: the Roman Colosseum in Early Modern Jest."

Professor Sorgner Gives Talk for “Question of Will” Art Project.

Professor Sorgner Gives Talk for “Question of Will” Art Project.

On December 16, 2016, John Cabot University’s Philosophy Professor Stefan Sorgner gave a talk on “Posthuman Perspectives” for the “Question of Will” art project.

From Page to Screen: Professor Dews’s Story Adapted into Short Film

From Page to Screen: Professor Dews’s Story Adapted into Short Film

Carlos Dews is a member of John Cabot University’s faculty since 2008. He is Chair of the JCU Department of English Language and Literature and Director of the JCU Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation.

JCU Welcomes Visiting Professor of Political Science Bridget Welsh

JCU Welcomes Visiting Professor of Political Science Bridget Welsh

John Cabot University is pleased to welcome Bridget Welsh as Visiting Professor in Political Science.

Professor Argentieri Discusses Trump, Populism and Russia

Professor Argentieri Discusses Trump, Populism and Russia

On November 18-20, 2016, Federigo Argentieri, Professor of Political Science and Director of Guarini Institute for Public Affairs, contributed to a roundtable panel titled “Demagogues and Democrats in Central-Eastern Europe.”

Prof. Michèle Favorite Publishes Article on Women and Soft Skills in Aspenia

Prof. Michèle Favorite Publishes Article on Women and Soft Skills in Aspenia

Professor Michèle Favorite recently published the article “L’incredibile paradosso” (“The incredible paradox”) in Aspenia, the journal of Aspen Institute Italy. In the article, Prof. Favorite discusses the global soft skills gap between men and women.

Dean Mary Merva Guest of Honor at ESCAP Ambassadors’ Luncheon

Dean Mary Merva Guest of Honor at ESCAP Ambassadors’ Luncheon

Dean Merva was invited to address some of the most relevant matters that face our world today, such as the possible global (economic and social) consequences of the election of the new President of the United States and of the results of the “Brexit” referendum in the UK.

Professor Scarpa Gives Talk at British Embassy on International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women

Professor Scarpa Gives Talk at British Embassy on International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women

Prof. Scarpa teaches Human Rights, Contemporary Slavery and Human Trafficking, International Law, and International Migration at John Cabot University. She is the author of the book Trafficking in Human Beings: Modern Slavery (Oxford University Press, 2008).

“Decentering Native Privilege: Italy Reads, Writes, Pitches” at TESOL Italy’s National Convention

“Decentering Native Privilege: Italy Reads, Writes, Pitches” at TESOL Italy’s National Convention

The themes of the convention were “The privilege of the Non-native speaker” and “English in multicultural education.”

Professor Betello to Present Archaeological Excavation Results at AIA Annual Meeting

Professor Betello to Present Archaeological Excavation Results at AIA Annual Meeting

JCU Classics professor Massimo Betello will present the results of the first three years of excavation at the site of the ancient Roman colony of Grumentum (Basilicata) at the annual meeting of the Archeological Institute of America in Toronto, Canada, from January 5 to 8, 2017.

Prof. Federigo Argentieri Discusses U.S. Elections on Sky TG24 Television

Prof. Federigo Argentieri Discusses U.S. Elections on Sky TG24 Television

On Nov. 15 Professor Federigo Argentieri was invited to discuss the US elections on Sky TV24, along with another guest, Vittorio Feltri, editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper Libero.

Department of Communications Hosts Screenings of Syrian Documentaries

Department of Communications Hosts Screenings of Syrian Documentaries

On November 15, John Cabot University Department of Communications and the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs were pleased to host screenings and a Q&A with Syrian documentary filmmakers Sara Fattahi, Ammar al-Beik, and Avo Kaprealian.

Professor Stefano Arnone Co-Authors Papers in Two Scientific Journals

Professor Stefano Arnone Co-Authors Papers in Two Scientific Journals

Professor of Mathematics Stefano Arnone co-authored two papers that were recently published in two international peer-reviewed scientific journals.

President Pavoncello Analyzes U.S. Elections on Italian Radio Show

President Pavoncello Analyzes U.S. Elections on Italian Radio Show

A week after the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, JCU President Franco Pavoncello was invited to be a guest on Radio Radicale's "Spazio Transnazionale," a live radio program dedicated to international affairs.

Professor Abdolmohammadi Publishes Article on U.S. Elections in LSE Blog

Professor Abdolmohammadi Publishes Article on U.S. Elections in LSE Blog

On November 10, 2016, Political Science Professor Pejman Abdolmohammadi published a blog post on the London School of Economics Middle East Centre titled "Iran's Hardliners: The Unexpected Winners of the US Elections."

“Art. Class. War:” an Event Curated by Professor Mike Watson

“Art. Class. War:” an Event Curated by Professor Mike Watson

Fondazione Pastificio Cerere presents, on Saturday 26th of November at 8 pm, "Art. Class. War", an event curated by JCU Professor Mike Watson.

John Cabot University Hosts Election Results Party

John Cabot University Hosts Election Results Party

JCU Student Government organized an event to celebrate the United States’ elections on Tuesday, November 8, 2016. This was the last of several US election related events at the University including a voter registration initiative and a two-day absentee voting event, both in October.

Professor Daniel R. Connelly Publishes New Poetry Collection

Professor Daniel R. Connelly Publishes New Poetry Collection

Professor Daniel Roy Connelly's latest book, Extravagant Stranger: a Memoir in Prose Poetry will be published in June 2017 by Little Island Press.

JCU Professor and Artist Peter Flaccus Participates in Rome Art Week

JCU Professor and Artist Peter Flaccus Participates in Rome Art Week

Professor Peter Flaccus, who teaches studio art at JCU, will open his studio to the public in connection with RAW (Rome Art Week).