Faculty News

Professor Peter Flaccus Holds Solo Art Exhibition in Capri

Professor Peter Flaccus Holds Solo Art Exhibition in Capri

The project, entitled "Ritorno a Capri" is sponsored by the Intragallery of Naples, and the U.S Consulate.

JCU Participates in Student-Faculty Research Program at Library of Congress

JCU Participates in Student-Faculty Research Program at Library of Congress

Four students joined Prof. Vanda Wilcox and Reference Librarian Livia Piotto for a research trip as part of a project entitled "Italian-Americans and the First World War: Experience, Identity and Representation".

Professor Michael Driessen Leads Training Session on “Religion and Extremism” in Lebanon

Professor Michael Driessen Leads Training Session on “Religion and Extremism” in Lebanon

Prof. Driessen co-designed and taught an online course to a group of Leaders for Interreligious Understanding and Counter-extremism experts.

Prof. Argentieri Publishes Comment in “Corriere della Sera” on Life and Work of Major US Scholar

Prof. Argentieri Publishes Comment in “Corriere della Sera” on Life and Work of Major US Scholar

Prof. Argentieri was requested by Italy's main daily newspaper "Corriere della Sera" to contribute an assessment of the life and work of Robert Conquest, a major Anglo-American scholar of Soviet and Communist history, who passed away on August 3 in Palo Alto (CA) at age 98.

“Communicating to Inspire Change:” JCU Successfully Concludes Workshop on Food Security and Sustainability

“Communicating to Inspire Change:” JCU Successfully Concludes Workshop on Food Security and Sustainability

Thanks to all the participants who made the workshop a great success. JCU would also like to thank FAO for providing technical support and experts who contributed greatly to the learning content. We look forward to repeating this successful program in the future.

JCU Student Giosuè Prezioso and Professor Ilaria Gianni Curate the 2015 Apulia Land Art Festival

JCU Student Giosuè Prezioso and Professor Ilaria Gianni Curate the 2015 Apulia Land Art Festival

Art History student Giosuè Prezioso and JCU Professor Ilaria Gianni have been invited to curate the 2015 Apulia Land Art Festival – and Giosuè was asked to present this year’s program at the 68th edition of the prestigious Cannes International Film Festival in May.

President Pavoncello Publishes Article in “Longitude” Magazine: “The Globalization of Education”

President Pavoncello Publishes Article in “Longitude” Magazine: “The Globalization of Education”

Longitude, an Italian monthly on world affairs, published an article by John Cabot University President Dr. Franco Pavoncello in its July 2015 edition.

JCU Professor Silvia Ammary Publishes New Book: “The Influence of the European Culture on Hemingway’s Fiction”

JCU Professor Silvia Ammary Publishes New Book: “The Influence of the European Culture on Hemingway’s Fiction”

Professor Ammary currently teaches American literature and writing at John Cabot University, where she is also Coordinator of ENLUS (English Language for University Studies).

Professor Michèle Favorite Interviewed on Italian Youth Unemployment

Professor Michèle Favorite Interviewed on Italian Youth Unemployment

Italian youth unemployment: It’s not just about the economic crisis. How universities can help overcome skills mismatch, emphasize soft skills, teach job search tools.

Congratulations Winners of Italy Writes 2015

Congratulations Winners of Italy Writes 2015

John Cabot University and the Institute for Creative Writing and Literary Translation, together with the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa, are honored to present the winners of the 4th Annual Italy Writes Creative Writing Competition. We thank all high school students and their teachers for their participation.

JCU to Welcome Alumna and TV Journalist Mia Ceran

JCU to Welcome Alumna and TV Journalist Mia Ceran

Durante l’Open House del 15 luglio Mia Ceran racconterà la sua esperienza alla John Cabot e spiegherà i benefici che il metodo didattico americano offre per il successo professionale.

JCU Guarini Institute for Public Affairs Debates Crucial EU Issues

JCU Guarini Institute for Public Affairs Debates Crucial EU Issues

The Guarini Institute for Public Affairs organized two consecutive panel discussions on pressing issues for the European Union.

John Cabot University Press Announces Publication of “Extravagance and Three Other Plays” by Dacia Maraini

John Cabot University Press Announces Publication of “Extravagance and Three Other Plays” by Dacia Maraini

A book presentation with Dacia Maraini and James Schwarten is planned for the 2015-2016 academic year.

JCU and Guarini Institute Featured in Two Roman Newspapers

JCU and Guarini Institute Featured in Two Roman Newspapers

The Guarini Institute for Public Affairs offers an annual series of lectures, seminars, and encounters aimed at enhancing knowledge and understanding of the key issues and challenges facing the world today.

JCU Presents Summer School on Human Rights with UNICRI

JCU Presents Summer School on Human Rights with UNICRI

Application Deadline to the Summer School of Human Rights has been extended to June 24.

President Franco Pavoncello Interviewed by Canadian Daily Globe and Mail on Vladimir Putin’s Visit to Italy

President Franco Pavoncello Interviewed by Canadian Daily Globe and Mail on Vladimir Putin’s Visit to Italy

John Cabot University President Franco Pavoncello was interviewed by Canadian daily The Globe and Mail on Russian President Vladimir Putin's recent visit to Italy.

“More than Sbarchi” Documentary Explores African Diaspora in Italy

“More than Sbarchi” Documentary Explores African Diaspora in Italy

On June 4th a rough cut of the documentary "More than Sbarchi: The African Diaspora in Italy" was screened in John Cabot University’s Aula Magna Regina.

Prof. Federigo Argentieri to Present Paper at International Conference in Padua

Prof. Federigo Argentieri to Present Paper at International Conference in Padua

Professor Federigo Argentieri is scheduled to present a paper entitled "Finland 1939, Hungary 1956, Yugoslavia 1991 and Ukraine 2013: A Comparative Assessment of Crucial World Crises" at the international conference on "Post Communism and Identities - East European Perspectives", organized by the prestigious Galilean School of Padua.

What’s Next for the Class of 2015? Meet Nine of our Recent Graduates

What’s Next for the Class of 2015? Meet Nine of our Recent Graduates

Now that the Class of 2015 has graduated, see where nine of them are headed next.

President Pavoncello Interviewed by Euronews Television on Local Election Results in Italy

President Pavoncello Interviewed by Euronews Television on Local Election Results in Italy

John Cabot University President Franco Pavoncello was interviewed by Euronews on the results of Italy's recent local elections.