Political Science and International Affairs News

JCU‬ IR Society Welcomes Dr. Themistoklis Demiris, Ambassador of Greece to Rome

JCU‬ IR Society Welcomes Dr. Themistoklis Demiris, Ambassador of Greece to Rome

On Tuesday, March 24th, The International Relations Society was pleased to host Dr. Themistoklis Demiris, the Greek ambassador to Italy, for a lecture entitled "The New Greek Government and the Challenges It Faces".

Professor Rensmann Publishes Research on Global Political Theory and the Struggle for Democracy in Iran

Professor Rensmann Publishes Research on Global Political Theory and the Struggle for Democracy in Iran

JCU Political Science and International Affairs Professor Lars Rensmann just published an original research article on “Reading Arendt in Tehran: On Extraordinary Democratic Politics and the Failure of Revolutions”

President Franco Pavoncello Interviewed by Chinese News Agency Xinhua on Italian Premier’s First Year

President Franco Pavoncello Interviewed by Chinese News Agency Xinhua on Italian Premier’s First Year

John Cabot University President Franco Pavoncello was interviewed by Chinese English language news agency Xinhua English on the first year of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi's mandate.

Professor Federigo Argentieri Participates in Europe-Ukraine Forum held in Lodz, Poland

Professor Federigo Argentieri Participates in Europe-Ukraine Forum held in Lodz, Poland

JCU Political Science Professor Federigo Argentieri was invited to participate in the eighth forum on the Europe/Ukraine situation, sponsored by the prestigious Institute for Eastern Studies.

Professor Michele Testoni Interviewed by Italian Journal “L’Indro” on Italy’s Foreign Policy

Professor Michele Testoni Interviewed by Italian Journal “L’Indro” on Italy’s Foreign Policy

On February 12th, John Cabot International Affairs professor Michele Testoni was interviewed by the Italian independent online journal L'Indro.

International Relations Society Goes on Study Trip to The Hague

International Relations Society Goes on Study Trip to The Hague

The International Relations Society went on its first study trip to The Hague, Holland to visit the International Court of Justice, The Dutch Parliament and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

JCU Goes Global With Direct Exchange Program

JCU Goes Global With Direct Exchange Program

JCU Goes Global With Direct Exchange Program.

President Pavoncello Analyzes Italian Political Situation for Chinese News Agency Xinhua

President Pavoncello Analyzes Italian Political Situation for Chinese News Agency Xinhua

John Cabot University Franco Pavoncello was interviewed by Chinese English language news agency Xinhua English News on the recent resignation of Italian President Giorgio Napolitano and what this means for the agenda of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.

Professor Federigo Argentieri Interviewed by Bloomberg on President Napolitano’s Resignation and Possible Successor

Professor Federigo Argentieri Interviewed by Bloomberg on President Napolitano’s Resignation and Possible Successor

JCU Political Science professor Federigo Argentieri, director of the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs, was interviewed by Bloomberg TV's program "The Pulse" on Italy's situation following the expected resignation of Giorgio Napolitano,

JCU to Welcome Back Professor Craig Smith in Summer Session I

JCU to Welcome Back Professor Craig Smith in Summer Session I

An expert in speech writing and debate, Dr. Smith's career witnessed two speechwriting roles in the White House for both President Gerald Ford and President George H.W. Bush.

Professor Lars Rensmann Gives Lecture at University of Copenhagen

Professor Lars Rensmann Gives Lecture at University of Copenhagen

Professor Rensmann was invited to participate and present at the conference "Toward Complex Diversity? Understanding New Challenges for the Accommodation of Difference and Diversity in Europe and the World."

JCU Student Kelson Adams To Launch His Own Company HowtoBee

JCU Student Kelson Adams To Launch His Own Company HowtoBee

His company is called HowtoBee and is designed to be an authority site in the niche market of residential beekeeping for beginners, delivered in a user-friendly style.

Professor Federigo Argentieri and Fellow Co-Authors Celebrate Third Edition of Successful Textbook

Professor Federigo Argentieri and Fellow Co-Authors Celebrate Third Edition of Successful Textbook

Federigo Argentieri, Professor of Political Science at JCU, contributed to a roundtable panel at the 46th National Convention of Aseees (Association of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies).

President Pavoncello Interviewed by Wall Street Journal on Possible Early Exit for Italy’s President

President Pavoncello Interviewed by Wall Street Journal on Possible Early Exit for Italy’s President

John Cabot University Franco Pavoncello was recently interviewed by the Wall Street Journal on the repercussions of a possible early resignation by Italian President Giorgio Napolitano.

Professor Federigo Argentieri Publishes Chapter in New Book on Fall of Berlin Wall

Professor Federigo Argentieri Publishes Chapter in New Book on Fall of Berlin Wall

Professor Argentieri teaches Political Science and International Affairs and is Director of the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs at JCU. He has written a chapter in a new book on the fall of the Berlin Wall published by Italian daily Corriere della Sera.

John Cabot University International Relations Society Presents a “Month of the Middle East”

John Cabot University International Relations Society Presents a “Month of the Middle East”

Between October 22 and November 17, 2014 John Cabot University will be hosting a total of six events connected to the project, among which include an evening with Dr. Saywan Barzani, the Iraqi Ambassador to Italy, as well as with the Imam of the Italian Islamic Community, Yahya Pallavicini.

Professor Federigo Argentieri to Play Tito in a Mock Trial at Rome’s Festival of Diplomacy

Professor Federigo Argentieri to Play Tito in a Mock Trial at Rome’s Festival of Diplomacy

On October 26, JCU Professor Federigo Argentieri will play the late Yugoslavian communist party and state leader Josip Broz, nicknamed Tito, in a mock trial.

Professor Pamela Harris Speaks at a Conference on Second Vatican Council and Democracy in Catholic Countries

Professor Pamela Harris Speaks at a Conference on Second Vatican Council and Democracy in Catholic Countries

On October 15th, Professor Pam Harris spoke at a conference about Pope Paul VI, the Second Vatican Council and the Third Wave of Democratization.

Author Agop Manoukian Presents his Book “The Armenian Presence in Italy” at JCU

Author Agop Manoukian Presents his Book “The Armenian Presence in Italy” at JCU

On Friday, October 10th author Agop Manoukian presented his book La Presenza Armenia in Italia (Armenian Presence in Italy) at JCU in the Aula Magna.

Guarini Institute Welcomes Leonardo Morlino for Distinguished Lecture

Guarini Institute Welcomes Leonardo Morlino for Distinguished Lecture

On Thursday, October 2nd the Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted a lecture by Leonardo Morlino, Professor of Political Science at LUISS University in Rome.