Psychological and Social Sciences News

Bringing Queer Culture to JCU: Meet Student Miguel Avides.

Bringing Queer Culture to JCU: Meet Student Miguel Avides.

John Cabot University student Miguel Avides is from Porto, Portugal. An International Affairs major and Psychology minor, he will be the Vice President of the JCU Queer Alliance starting in Fall 2021. 

Empathy as an Intellectual Tool: Prof. Ben Scribner on JCU’s New Gender Studies Course

Empathy as an Intellectual Tool: Prof. Ben Scribner on JCU’s New Gender Studies Course

Professor Ben Scribner, who joined JCU in 2014, teaches Intercultural Communications and the soon to be launched course, Introduction to Gender Studies.

Quarantine alla Romana: Video Documentary Series by Professor Jenn Lindsay

Quarantine alla Romana: Video Documentary Series by Professor Jenn Lindsay

As a social scientist and filmmaker, Professor Jenn Lindsay was captivated by how Romans coped with the coronavirus quarantine through moments of creative solidarity and rebellion. Recognizing this unique moment in history, she busied herself during the quarantine by making the documentary series "Quarantine all Romana." 

Decoding Human Communication: Professor Bruno Galantucci

Decoding Human Communication: Professor Bruno Galantucci

Psychology Professor Bruno Galantucci's area of expertise is human communication and Experimental Semiotics, a field that he contributed to developing.

JCU to Launch Major in Psychological Science in Fall 2020

JCU to Launch Major in Psychological Science in Fall 2020

John Cabot University is pleased to announce the launch of a new major in Psychological Science beginning in Fall 2020.

Professor Bruno Galantucci Presents Research on Human Communication

Professor Bruno Galantucci Presents Research on Human Communication

JCU Associate Professor of Psychology, Bruno Galantucci, was invited to speak at two international scientific conferences. On October 19, he spoke at the 7th Peripatetic Conference in Poland, while on October 31, he spoke at the "Interrelations Among Different Forms of Human Communication" workshop in Sweden.

Professor Nicola Petrocchi to Present at Gerace Summer School

Professor Nicola Petrocchi to Present at Gerace Summer School

Professor Nicola Petrocchi will be lecturing at the Summer School "Empathy and Compassion: From Contemplative Traditions to Neuroscience.”

John Cabot University Announces 2017 Student Award Winners

John Cabot University Announces 2017 Student Award Winners

On Tuesday, April 18, 2017, John Cabot University students, faculty and staff gathered in the Aula Magna for the annual Student Awards Ceremony.

JCU Welcomes Professor Veronica Benet-Martinez for Lecture on “The Psychology of Multicultural Experiences and Identities”

JCU Welcomes Professor Veronica Benet-Martinez for Lecture on “The Psychology of Multicultural Experiences and Identities”

The JCU Department of Economics and Social Sciences was pleased to host Veronica Benet-Martinez, Professor of Psychology at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona on April 1st for a lecture entitled "The Psychology of Multicultural Experiences and Identities."

Professor Paola Castelli Gives Presentation at Society for Research in Child Development Conference in Philadelphia

Professor Paola Castelli Gives Presentation at Society for Research in Child Development Conference in Philadelphia

Prof. Castelli presented her research "Monitoring Memory Absence: from Disqualifying to Diagnostic Monitoring."

Professor Belényesi Participates in Prestigious Law Conference in Naples

Professor Belényesi Participates in Prestigious Law Conference in Naples

Prof. Belényesi discussed water supply liberalization at the Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II in Naples.

JCU Hosts Presentation of Book Co-Edited by Prof. Clough Marinaro – “Global Rome: Changing Faces of the Eternal City”

JCU Hosts Presentation of Book Co-Edited by Prof. Clough Marinaro – “Global Rome: Changing Faces of the Eternal City”

The panel discussion also featured authors and discussants Bjørn Thomassen, Pietro Vereni, Alessandra Broccolini, Carlo Cellamare, Pierluigi Cervelli, Ferruccio Tabalzi, Simon Martin and Pierpaolo Muddu.

Professor Paola Castelli’s Research Paper Accepted for Publication in Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

Professor Paola Castelli’s Research Paper Accepted for Publication in Journal of Experimental Child Psychology

Professor Paola Castelli's research paper "Resisting Imagination and Confabulation: Effects of Metacognitive Training" will be appearing in a forthcoming issue of Journal of Experimental Child Psychology.

Congratulations to the John Cabot University Class of 2013!

Congratulations to the John Cabot University Class of 2013!

On May 13th, John Cabot University held its 41th Commencement Ceremony, celebrating the Class of 2013 at the wonderful Villa Aurelia, located on the Janiculum Hill, overlooking Rome.