Archive for December, 2018

Working the Field in South Sudan: Alumnus Joseph Astrella

Working the Field in South Sudan: Alumnus Joseph Astrella

Alumnus Joseph Astrella describes his JCU experience, his current life in South Sudan, and what he has planned for the future.

Congratulations to English Language for University Studies (ENLUS) Graduates!

Congratulations to English Language for University Studies (ENLUS) Graduates!

On Tuesday, December 12, 2018, JCU hosted a graduation ceremony for students completing ENLUS,  John Cabot University's English Language for University Studies Program.

Washington Post: President Pavoncello on Italy’s Budget Standoff with E.U.

Washington Post: President Pavoncello on Italy’s Budget Standoff with E.U.

President Franco Pavoncello was interviewed on December 18, 2018 by The Washington Post on Italy's recent budget standoff with the European Union.

Celebrating Innovation: JCU Attends ANGI’s Annual Award Ceremony

Celebrating Innovation: JCU Attends ANGI’s Annual Award Ceremony

John Cabot University attends the Annual Ceremony at the Chamber of Deputies organized by Associazione Nazionale Giovani (ANGI).

JCU Professor Argentieri Interviewed on Hungarian Street Protest

JCU Professor Argentieri Interviewed on Hungarian Street Protest

JCU Professor Federigo Argentieri was interviewed by the news program GR3 of Rai on the reasons and nature of the mass protest against two bills just passed by the Hungarian parliament.

Trade Wars: Is It the End of Globalization? JCU Hosts Dr. Doaa Abdel-Motaal

Trade Wars: Is It the End of Globalization? JCU Hosts Dr. Doaa Abdel-Motaal

The Guarini Institute for Public Affairs hosted the event “Trade Wars: Is It the End of Globalization” presented by Dr. Doaa Abdel-Motaal on November 26 2018. Dr. Abdel-Motaal is an environment and climate change expert, and author of the book Antarctica: The Battle for the Seventh Continent.

JCU Studio Art Department Showcases Student Talent

JCU Studio Art Department Showcases Student Talent

The John Cabot Studio Art Program showcased student talent at an exhibit held on December 6, 2018 at the Largo dei Fiorentini Art Studio. This celebration of student art work, which has been held every semester since 1999, is a way for students to share their work with each other and the JCU community.

Shooting a Revolution: Professor Della Ratta’s Book on Media and Warfare in Syria

Shooting a Revolution: Professor Della Ratta’s Book on Media and Warfare in Syria

John Cabot University's Communications Professor Donatella Della Ratta recently published a book called "Shooting a Revolution: Visual Media and Warfare in Syria".

JCU Alumni and Friends Host Rome Holiday Event

JCU Alumni and Friends Host Rome Holiday Event

JCU Alumni and Friends came together to celebrate the Holiday Season in Rome on Wednesday, December 12, 2018. The event was held at Il Collegio, an exclusive restaurant in the center of Rome owned by JCU alumnus Antonio Santarelli.

Life = Cinematic Imperfections: JCU Presents Avo Kaprealian’s Latest Feature Film

Life = Cinematic Imperfections: JCU Presents Avo Kaprealian’s Latest Feature Film

John Cabot University’s Department of Communications and Media Studies, presented the Rome premiere of Syrian-Armenian filmmaker Avo Kaprealian’s first feature length film "Life = Cinematic Imperfections."

JCU Enactus Team Goes to Silicon Valley

JCU Enactus Team Goes to Silicon Valley

The JCU Enactus team goes to Silicon Valley to represent John Cabot University at the Enactus World Cup, after victory in Italy’s National Enactus Competition.

JCU Hosts Conference on Ancient Aqueducts, Baths and Sewers

JCU Hosts Conference on Ancient Aqueducts, Baths and Sewers

John Cabot University hosted an evening of lectures as part of the Frontinus Society’s annual conference, “De Aquaeductu Urbis Romae: The Legacy of Sextus Iulius Frontinus International Congress on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region” on November 13th, 2018.

JCU Student Bebe Vio Receives Innovation Leader Award at Italian Parliament

JCU Student Bebe Vio Receives Innovation Leader Award at Italian Parliament

John Cabot University student and Paralympic fencing champion Bebe Vio received the Innovation Leader Award from ANGI, the Italian Association of Young Innovators on December 7, 2018 at the Chamber of Deputies in Rome.

Around the World in Six Novels: An Experiment in Digital Humanities

Around the World in Six Novels: An Experiment in Digital Humanities

A presentation led by Professor Alessandra Grego on her innovative use of digital humanities in one her English Literature course "Selected Topics in World Literature" (EN310).

Running the Show: Communications Major Giulia Villanucci

Running the Show: Communications Major Giulia Villanucci

A Communications major at JCU, Giulia talks about her passion for video making, her position as Team Leader during Orientation, and where she sees herself in the future.

Embracing A Worldly View: English Literature Senior Giorgio Millesimi

Embracing A Worldly View: English Literature Senior Giorgio Millesimi

Giorgio Millesimi, an English Literature senior, tells us about his JCU experience, his views on the importance of studying literature today, and what he plans to do in the future.

Prof. Antonella Salvatore Represents JCU at “Digital Italy” 2018 Summit

Prof. Antonella Salvatore Represents JCU at “Digital Italy” 2018 Summit

The “Digital Italy” summit was launched in 2016 by “The Innovation Group,” an Italian management consulting company, in order to develop national strategies for digital innovation in the economy, society and public administration. Every year, analysts from “The Innovation Group” gather the summit presentations by economists, business leaders, politicians, public administration representatives, scholars and international experts in an annual report.

Youth and Sustainable Development: JCU Welcomes AIESEC

Youth and Sustainable Development: JCU Welcomes AIESEC

What is the role of youth in the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? In order to answer this question, the JCU Service Learning Team welcomed two representatives of AIESEC, the world’s largest youth-run organization, on November 15, 2018.

Alumna Shaza Saker, Founder of Hummustown, on Employment for Refugee Integration

Alumna Shaza Saker, Founder of Hummustown, on Employment for Refugee Integration

JCU Alumna Shaza Saker was invited to discuss the key role of employment for refugee integration in the Italian context on November 20, 2018.

A Resilient Space for Diversity: JCU hosts African Art Gallery

A Resilient Space for Diversity: JCU hosts African Art Gallery

John Cabot University hosted an “African Art Gallery” event organized by The Africans in the World Cultural Club, on November 21, 2018. The event focused on the importance of African art, music and food in order to raise awareness of the African Community at John Cabot University.