Library News

Librarian Eleonora Moccia Accepted to ACRL 2014 Immersion Program

Librarian Eleonora Moccia Accepted to ACRL 2014 Immersion Program

Partnering with faculty in creating skilled, independent, critical learners is perhaps the ACRL 2014 most engaging activity at the Frohring Library, and certainly its most essential goal.

Frohring Library Launches Worldcat, First Global Online Catalog in Italy

Frohring Library Launches Worldcat, First Global Online Catalog in Italy

John Cabot University's Frohring Library welcomes 2014 with a new discovery tool for its global community, JCU Worldcat.

Professor Harris Gives Keynote Speech at Cornell Conference

Professor Harris Gives Keynote Speech at Cornell Conference

JCU Head Librarian Elisabetta Morani and Professor of Law and Associate Dean of Academic Affairs Pamela Harris participated at The Cornell Internet Culture Law and Policy conference held on September 18-20, at Cornell University, in Ithaca New York.

Introducing the New Aurelian Wing of JCU’s Frohring Library!

Introducing the New Aurelian Wing of JCU’s Frohring Library!

The newest addition to John Cabot University's Frohring Library, the Aurelian Wing, was inaugurated last month and has quickly become a favorite study space for our students.

Professor Carlos Dews to Co-write Two Novels with Award-Winning Mystery Author S.J. Rozan

Professor Carlos Dews to Co-write Two Novels with Award-Winning Mystery Author S.J. Rozan

The two authors recently signed a two-book deal with Penguin/Blue Rider.

Reading Tonight with JCU Poet in Residence Billy Collins

Reading Tonight with JCU Poet in Residence Billy Collins

Billy Collins, United States Poet Laureate 2001-2003, is an American phenomenon. No poet since Robert Frost has managed to combine high critical acclaim with such broad popular appeal.

JCU’s Frohring Library Presents JCU Authors 2012 Exhibit

JCU’s Frohring Library Presents JCU Authors 2012 Exhibit

John Cabot University is delighted to present the JCU Authors 2012 exhibit, currently being held until May 27th in the Frohring Library reference room.

John Cabot Chamber Orchestra Spring Concert Delights Crowds

John Cabot Chamber Orchestra Spring Concert Delights Crowds

A magical musical night was held in celebration of the 40th anniversary of John Cabot University on Friday, March 30th. The John Cabot Chamber Orchestra, led by director and violin soloist Lorenzo Colitto, filled the Renaissance halls of the Palazzo della Cancelleria, historically known as one of the centers of musical life in Rome.

Frohring Library: A Message from Head Librarian Elisabetta Morani

Frohring Library: A Message from Head Librarian Elisabetta Morani

Head Librarian Elisabetta Morani speaks about the growth of JCU's Frohring Library in the years leading up to our 40th anniversary

JCU’s Frohring Library Donates Books to Ethiopian Library Building Project

JCU’s Frohring Library Donates Books to Ethiopian Library Building Project

Read about the Frohring Library's donation of books to Italian NGO Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud

JCU Honors Professor Susan Fuller at Alumni Reunion Night

JCU Honors Professor Susan Fuller at Alumni Reunion Night

JCU Honors Professor Susan Fuller at Alumni Reunion Night

The Frohring Library Expands its Offerings

The Frohring Library Expands its Offerings

The Frohring Library Expands its Offerings!

12 Days (and Nights) of Finals in the Frohring Library

12 Days (and Nights) of Finals in the Frohring Library

12 Days (and Nights) of Finals in the Frohring Library

International Conference at JCU on Copyright, Democracy, and Education

International Conference at JCU on Copyright, Democracy, and Education

International Conference at JCU Discusses Copyright, Democracy, and Education