Art History News

JCU’s Art History Club Premiers its Lecture Series with Artist Chiara Mu

JCU’s Art History Club Premiers its Lecture Series with Artist Chiara Mu

Chiara Mu's current exhibit, "Vendetta", is a project room in Castello Colonna, a medieval castle near Rome.

Professor Lila Yawn Invited to Speak at University of Manchester’s

Professor Lila Yawn Invited to Speak at University of Manchester’s

The title of Prof. Yawn's talk was "The Bright Side of the Knife: Dismemberment in Medieval Europe and the Modern Imagination."

Public Lecture by Dr. Abdallah Kahil Explores Mamluk Architecture

Public Lecture by Dr. Abdallah Kahil Explores Mamluk Architecture

The lecture focused on some of the most famous mosques, madrasas and tombs in 14th century Cairo.

JCU Art History Professor Karen Georgi Publishes Book “Critical Shift”

JCU Art History Professor Karen Georgi Publishes Book “Critical Shift”

Karen L. Georgi, Adjunct Associate Professor of Art History at JCU, recently published the book Critical Shift Rereading Jarves, Cook, Stillman, and the Narratives of Nineteenth-Century American Art (Penn State University Press).

Professor Walters Goes On-site with JCU’s Archaeological Field School

Professor Walters Goes On-site with JCU’s Archaeological Field School

I didn't have to reapply the 50+ sun-block in the afternoon. By that point my limbs were covered in clay. The clay did not block cascades of sweat from stinging my eyes. It did make sifting more strenuous. [read more]

JCU Professors Publish in the American Journal of Ancient History

JCU Professors Publish in the American Journal of Ancient History

This 600 page volume of the American Journal of Ancient History (AJAH) contains 20 peer-reviewed papers delivered at the conference "The Roman Empire during the Severan Dynasty."

JCU Professor Lila Yawn Speaks at the International Congress

JCU Professor Lila Yawn Speaks at the International Congress

On Friday, September 13, John Cabot University Professor Lila Yawn will speak at the international Latin paleography congress in St. Gall, Switzerland.

Faculty Development Funds Support JCU’s Outstanding Professors

Faculty Development Funds Support JCU’s Outstanding Professors

JCU Vice President and Academic Dean Mary Merva is pleased to report that JCU faculty development funds continue to support the professional development of an outstanding group of faculty.

Professor Lila Yawn to Present at Middle Ages in the Modern World Conference

Professor Lila Yawn to Present at Middle Ages in the Modern World Conference

The conference was organized to celebrate the six hundredth anniversary of the founding of the University of St. Andrews.

Congratulations to the John Cabot University Class of 2013!

Congratulations to the John Cabot University Class of 2013!

On May 13th, John Cabot University held its 41th Commencement Ceremony, celebrating the Class of 2013 at the wonderful Villa Aurelia, located on the Janiculum Hill, overlooking Rome.

Congratulations to Class of 2013 Valedictorian Kirila Cvetkovska!

Congratulations to Class of 2013 Valedictorian Kirila Cvetkovska!

John Cabot University's Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs Mary Merva is pleased to announce the Valedictorian for the Class of 2013 - Kirila Cvetkovska.

JCU Students Showcase Talents in Spring 2013 Art Show!

JCU Students Showcase Talents in Spring 2013 Art Show!

This celebration of student art work, which has been held every semester since 1999, is a way for students to share their work with each other and with the JCU community.

JCU Announces 2013 Student Award Winners

JCU Announces 2013 Student Award Winners

"Welcome to this celebration of excellence at John Cabot University," said President Franco Pavoncello as he addressed students, faculty and staff gathered at the Secchia Terrace on April 23rd for JCU's annual Student Award ceremony. "These students define our mission as a University and their successes are a testimonial to the quality of our faculty."

Professor Inge Lyse Hansen Publishes Book on Ancient City of Butrint

Professor Inge Lyse Hansen Publishes Book on Ancient City of Butrint

JCU art history professor Inge L. Hansen is the editor of the most recent monograph on the excavations of the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Butrint (ancient Buthrotum) in Albania.

JCU Presents International Symposium: Framing Anacletus II

JCU Presents International Symposium: Framing Anacletus II

Prominent scholars from all over Europe and the United States will gather in Rome in April for an International Symposium dedicated to the figure of Anacletus II, (Anti)Pope, 1130-1138

JCU Visits the Casino Boncompagni Ludovisi Private Collection

JCU Visits the Casino Boncompagni Ludovisi Private Collection

On Friday, January 25, a group of JCU professors and students enjoyed a visit to the splendid Casino Boncompagni Ludovisi, located next to the Villa Borghese gardens

Professor Tuck-Scala Publishes Groundbreaking Book on Vaccaro

Professor Tuck-Scala Publishes Groundbreaking Book on Vaccaro

JCU art history professor Anna Tuck-Scala recently published Andrea Vaccaro (Naples, 1604-1670): His Documented Life and Art, Naples, Paparo Edizioni. The product of many years of archival research, the book establishes Prof. Tuck-Scala as one of the top scholars in her field.

Students Lend Talent to Alberese Archaeological Field School

Students Lend Talent to Alberese Archaeological Field School

Students have recently applied their design skills to creating promotional material for the Alberese Archaeological Field School, organized in association with John Cabot University and the University of Sheffield.

JCU Alumna Clara Giannini’s Class Assignment Published

JCU Alumna Clara Giannini’s Class Assignment Published

JCU Alumna Clara Giannini, who graduated in 2012 with her B.A. in Art History and a Minor in Italian Studies, has published a story-board, entitled Filtro PPP, in the journal La libellula. Rivista di Italianistica.

JCU Alumna Mari Yoko Hara Wins Prestigious Rome Prize in Art History

JCU Alumna Mari Yoko Hara Wins Prestigious Rome Prize in Art History

Mari Yoko Hara, who earned her B.A. in Art History at John Cabot University, won the two-year pre-doctoral Rome Prize of the American Academy in Rome for 2012-2014 and is currently in residence at the Academy as a Rome Prize Fellow.